"What the hell is Phase II, anyway? What are we buying up all this land for?"

"We're going to double the size of Las Nevadas. Come on, Sam, I thought that was f-ing obvious."

"Double it?! But we just finished construction!"

"Show a little faith in Las Nevadas. Our partner has it, they've invested heavily into it. If you build it they will come, you know that saying, right, Sam? We're going to make Las Nevadas the biggest f-ing country that's ever been seen! We'll be rich beyond our wildest f-ing dreams!"

Like all corrupt prison guards, the promise of money made Sam's ears perk up and shut his mouth. Quackity smiled in satisfaction.

"Alright, if you say so." Sam said. "But if I find out the investment is a giant pyramid-"

"Don't worry, it's better than that." Quackity said. So Sam suspected Eret. It was a good guess, wrong, but reasonable. Eret had wealth and power and a reputation that would be... distracting if investments weren't finalized before he was revealed.

There was a knock on the door.

"Send the next one in, Charlie," Quackity called.


"Sam's asking questions," Quackity said as he walked into the suite.

"Do you want to tell him?" Wilbur asked from his place on the bed, he closed the book he was reading and put it on the bedside table, placing his reading glasses on top of it. He raised his arms to receive Quackity who sunk right into them. "Mi amor."

Quackity always seemed to melt whenever he said those words. He'd asked Quackity why he never used those words for him, and he'd said he'd used them for someone else and it had forever poisoned them. But he didn't seem to mind hearing them. So it was probably the ghost of Schlatt rearing its ugly horned head in his mind again.

"F-ck no! It's bad enough we had to tell Charlie. I don't want to have to share you yet." Big Q kissed him passionately, the same way he always did after a particularly tedious day.

Charlie couldn't be avoided, they'd needed a third person to handle the accounting and banking - that and he'd walked in on them so it was either bring him in on the secret or kill him. Charlie wasn't many things, but he was singularly devoted to Quackity from Las Nevadas, as he called him - he wouldn't talk, Quackity assured him.

"Another long day?" Wilbur said, kissing up his neck as he rubbed his shoulders.

"Mmm... thank you." Quackity leaned into him.

His lips traveled up to Quackity's earlobe. "Hey, Big Q," he whispered. He felt Quackity's entire body stiffen in his arms and then shudder. There were no three words that had a greater effect on him than those.

"You did that on purpose!"

Wilbur grinned. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"I will seriously make you pay for that!" Quackity cried, tackling him as he laughed. It was the happiest he could ever remember being.


It was quite a change going from having almost nothing in a sh-tty hamburger truck to spending every night in a penthouse suite in Las Nevadas with unlimited credit to buy whatever he wanted. He was consulted on every decision, they spent hours drawing up plans and blueprints. After over a decade of work, he was finally in the room where it happens.

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