Prologue- Fighting

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Los Angeles, California
4:54 PM
Lizzie's POV
I was excited after a long few months of working to finally get home and settle in for the weekend. I had just picked mine and Robbie's daughter Nellie up from her musical rehearsal and I was headed home. I was grateful to finally see Robbie again after being in Texas for the past three months filming my HBO show. However, what I didn't know was what type of surprise Robbie had waiting for me.

When we arrived home, Nellie grabbed her backpack and we headed inside. I unlocked the door and we walked into the house. Nellie ran upstairs and I looked around for a minute to see if I could find Robbie.

When I realized he wasn't in the room, I decided to go look for him.

"Robbie? Robbie, I'm home!"

I checked around the house and couldn't find him. Then at last, I decided to check to see if he was in our room. Sure enough, he was... on top of a blonde girl.

"ROBBIE!" I screamed, my heart shattered into a million pieces.

"L-lizzie, what are you doing here? I thought you were still in Texas." "I-I got home today. I just picked up Nellie from rehearsal, remember? I told you I would pick her up." "That was today?" I rolled my eyes at him, tears starting to form. I pointed towards the hall, telling Robbie to follow me out there.

I ran to the hallway and waited for Robbie to follow me. As I tried to keep my tears held back, I could hear Robbie saying "Angela, could you give us a minute?"

The tears came hot and fast as Robbie shut the door behind him and stood in front of me.

"Lizzie, babe I can explain." "N-no, Robbie. I-how long has this been going on?" Silence. "Robert Nicholas Arnett how long has this been going on?!"

"Three months." The entire time I was gone in Texas. "You gotta be fucking kidding me Robbie. I was only gone for three months-three fucking months and you already got yourself another girl. Did Nellie know? Did you fucking cheat on me while our daughter was in the same house?" "No. Lizzie it wasn't. Nellie doesn't know about this." "I can't. I can't believe you Robbie. I thought you were better than this-I thought I could trust you. Why? Why was she better than me?"

"At least she's not infertile like you." Robbie whispered under his breath. "Don't even fucking start Robert. We have a 16 year old adopted daughter together! We have a child Robbie! Hold on, did you get her pregnant?" "I wasn't going to tell you Lizzie, but.."

"You know what Robbie. Get out! Get your ass out of my house and never come back, you go live with that bitch and forget all about us and our life that we had made together." "Lizzie, please give me another chance. What about Nellie?" "Seriously. Now you're asking what about Nellie? You will be lucky if you ever see her again."

I break down and watch as Robbie goes and gets his stuff. As Robbie starts to come out of the room with his bags, I hear a small voice come from behind me.

"Mom? Dad? What's going on?" Nellie asks, looking up at me with her chemistry textbook in hand. I breakdown as Robbie pulled Nellie off to the side.

"Nells, I hurt your mom. I messed up. I'm sorry baby girl, you know I love you but now I have to go deal with my decisions."

I watched Robbie leave with what looked like the human version of Barbie before slamming the door shut and leaving Nellie and I alone in the house.

I saw Nellie start to cry and I pulled her into a big hug as we sat in the doorway of my room sobbing.

"M-mommy what happened? Was I not good enough?" I shook my head. "N-no Nellie, it's not you baby. It never was. H-he cheated on me, aand got her pregnant." Nellie looked shocked and we just sat there holding each other.

After I composed myself, I took my phone and called my mom and Robbie's mom to tell them what happened before calling my best friend Aubrey Plaza.

A: "Hey Lizzie, what's up?"
Me: "Hey Aubrey, can Nellie and I spend the weekend with you? I-I just need to get out of the house."
A: "Yeah of course, my husband is out of town and I'm bored anyways so please come over."
Me: "Thank you. I'll tell you what's going on when I get there."
A: "Okay? Anyways, I'll see you soon Lizzie."

I told Nellie to go upstairs and pack a bag for the weekend and I packed one as well. Then, we headed over to Aubrey's.

After five minutes, we arrive and Aubrey is waiting outside for me, a glass of wine in her right hand.

Nellie and I got out of the car and walked towards Aubrey, but before she could say anything, I broke down.

"Lizzie? Liz, what's wrong?" Aubrey came over towards me, concerned. She sat her drink down and wrapped her arms around me as I cried into her. "Shh Lizzie I'm here, what happened?"

"HE CHEATED! Aubrey, Robbie fucking cheated on me!" I sobbed into Aubrey's chest. "Lizzie, I am so sorry about that bastard. Come on, let's go inside." I nodded and followed Aubrey inside.

As Aubrey led us to the couch, she went to go get lemonade for Nellie and wine for me as we sat down.

"Lizzie Liz I am so sorry that happened. I know how much Robbie meant to you." Aubrey handed me the glass of wine and I took a sip, it's bitter taste touching my tongue.

"Thanks Aubrey, that means a lot that you care." "Of course Lizzie, you know I'm here for you." I smiled at  Aubrey and moved over to let her sit down next to me.

"Nellie? How are you feeling sweetie?" Aubrey asked my daughter, knowing that she wasn't in the best state at the moment either.

"I just wanna take a nap right now Aubrey. I just feel so lousy and upset and angry at everything and everyone." "That's understandable baby." I start, turning towards her. "I feel angry and hurt too baby, but we are both strong and I know we are gonna get through this." Nellie nodded and looked at Aubrey and I.

"Aubrey? Mom? Can I go take a nap?" Nellie asked. "Yes go right ahead baby." "Yeah Nellie, my guest room is upstairs and to the right, feel free."

Nellie got up to start to go upstairs and I kissed the top of her head. "Love you baby." "Love you too mom."

After Nellie left, Aubrey turned to me.

"So? What's the plan? How are you gonna move on?" "Plan? I don't have a fucking plan right now Aubrey. I just got home from working three months in a different state to find out my husband cheated on me and got some other woman pregnant and now my child and I are alone and she doesn't have a dad anymore. I know I have a work meeting Monday but besides that I have no control over my life right now. I thought I had everything under control. I thought Robbie and I were going to have the perfect marriage and that we were going to have a great family with Nellie in it. Nope, that couldn't happen."

"Lizzie, I know it's hard, very hard. However, you're gonna get through this. You're the strongest woman and mother I know. Let's get you through this weekend and go from there. Use this weekend to get through this slump and then you'll be good as new." "Thanks Aubrey. I needed that." "Mhm. So, drink up, have as many as you want and let's just watch some cheesy movies and enjoy ourselves. Let's forget about that asshole Robbie." "If only it were that easy aubs."

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