-DMN-_17 (seventeen T~T)

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Junhui walked up with his bag all alone.
"Ey!" Some voice came and Junhui looked back and saw a group of boys with 5 to 6 guys.

"Do you guys have anything or need anything?" Junhui said politely.

One of them smirked and walked out. "Aren't you are the dumb one who got a boy's name?" He said and Junhui gulped.

"What's with it to you all?" Junhui defended.
"What can it even to be with us? We just love to bully." Another one said and Junhui took one step back.

"Who is the boy?"

"I didn't got any name."

"Why lie? We have been following you ever since you entered here. You are a suitable one to bully easily."

"What I did with you all? Let me go."

"We can't."

As one of them was about to put hand on Junhui someone came out and Junhui face palmed.
"Who said you to appear like Wonder Woman? It was going smoothly." Junhui sighed and Minghao faced him.

"Hey!" Junhui put down his bag politely and faced the guy who was about to slap Minghao.
"Don't hit my face." Junhui kneeled down and Minghao got all disgusted.

All of them laughed out seeing Junhui's step. "Clever, are you about to take some super hero step?"
"Do I look like the one to fight back? I may look like the sporty one but I'm not. So leave that pal and don't hit my face."
"Nope, hit me but not him. Man. I'll kill the whole bollocks!" Minghao said in madness and so suddenly one of them punched him and he fell down.

"There the drama starts again." Junhui rolled his eyeballs and started to defend.

"Ey! Don't lay a finger on him! I'm challenging whoever can touch him, I'll let the being hit as much as he can." Junhui said and all laughed.

"One verses 6. It will be amazing."

"Shah..use brain not power." As Junhui said police came and he smirked.

Cleaning the whole mess up a but, Junhui ran to Minghao who was laying down at Middle Street.
"Shi..this dork, what am I gonna do now?"
"Ey! Minghao!!!!! Eyyyiii!!" Junhui yelled and started to use his hand and as his hands went on Minghao's arm he reminded the name and he quickly took his sleeves up.

(it had to be on every humans so as English international language...so yeah)

"Boy, who do you keep lying?"

My Name_SVT JunhaoWhere stories live. Discover now