2.Miss Robichaux's

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You laid Madison in the back seat of your car, Zoe entered the passenger side and you sat in your driver's seat, speeding off to Miss Robichaux's.

Zoe: Where are you going?

Y/N: I'm taking you guys home

Zoe: And where do you think home is for us?

Y/N: Miss Robichaux's, right?

Zoe looked at you, her eyebrow raised and a look of confusion painted on her face.

Y/N: You guys are witches, I saw Madison flip that bus Zoe. Look Cordelia's my mom I know all about that witch shit

Zoe: Cordelia's you're mom?! Are- are you a warlock

You laughed at the thought.

Y/N: Nope. I'm her adopted son, just a regular guy. I've been away for a couple years, we didn't leave it on the best terms. That party was meant to be a way to ease me back into life here, obviously all it's done is throw me back into the chaos

Zoe: I'm sorry Y/N...

Y/N: I'm not the one who people need to be sorry for, I just hope she's ok

You look into your back seat and see Madison stirring ever so lightly, still affected by the rufie.

Y/N: Kyle was a good fucking kid man, he didn't deserve that, he was a great guy

Zoe: I really liked him, why did those bastards have to do it, this night should've been great, now it's a disaster

You parked outside the Academy and picked Madison up again, carrying her to the door, Zoe entered and you carried the stirring girl up to bed, kissing her on the head and saying bye to Zoe. You rushed out of the room and down the stairs to the exit desperate not to be seen by your mother, however as you make your way to the door you hear a shout from the stairs.

Cordelia: Y/N?! What are you doing here?

Y/N: Hi, mom, just back in town for a bit, stopping by and checking the place out

She ran down the stairs and rushed to you engulfing you in her arms.

Cordelia: It's so good to see you

Y/N: You too... Look a couple of the girls were at a party, things got kinda out of hand, I was just dropping them off and making sure they were ok, I'll drop by tomorro-

Cordelia: You're staying the night Y/N. I haven't seen you in 2 years do you really think I'm watching you go out that door again? Stay in the spare room upstairs, I'll speak to you properly soon

She hugged you again.

Cordelia: I love you Y/N... I'm so glad you're home

With that she retreated back to her room, you hesitantly clambered up the stairs to the spare room, as you passed Zoe and Madison's room you heard quiet weeping, you slowly entered to see Madison distraught in bed, desperately trying not to wake Zoe. She saw you and smiled weakly.

Madison: Hi... Thanks for tonight

Y/N: Are you kidding me? Those bastards got what they deserved, I'm just glad I could help, seeing you hurt like that was... horrible, seriously that was fucked

You approached her bed and hugged her, she gave you a swift kiss on the cheek before you turned away to leave.

Madison: Do you... think you could stay with me tonight? I know you probably have other places to be but I kind of just want some company and Zoe's out of it

Y/N: I'm staying the night anyway so... yeah, sure I can

You tentatively approached the bed and crept under the sheets, the girl nestled herself into your chest and you wrapped your arms around her in a cuddle.

Madison: I kinda like you

Y/N: I kinda like you too... night Madison

Madison: Night...

With that you laid in bed for hours, as close as can be with the girl of your dreams, you'd known her for just a few hours but there was this spark, a need to protect her and have her, she felt it too, Madison Montgomery doesn't act like this for anyone, but she could for you, you gave her comfort, you gave her love, they were things she'd been starved of in life. 

The day had been a whirlwind, one you couldn't stop thinking of, you'd reunited with your home, and your mother, you'd seen old friends, the best one of them all had died, and who killed him, this girl, this girl Madison who you couldn't get out of your head, you'd seen her in as vulnerable a state as humanly possible and you felt a need to make it better, and you planned on doing that, hell, you planned on making it all better, every part of your life that'd fallen into chaos in the last couple of years.

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