Wait, "rent?!"

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This morning, I had a talk with my parents and they were talking to me about living the adult life.  I am trying to get my school done and they were wasting my hard-working time AGAIN!!!

Not that it matters, anyway...

Sure I agreed to buy my own SIM card for my phone and pay for my own gas in my own car, but my bedroom?!  That is going too far!!

Tell me, are you 18+ and still live with your parents?  Do they make you pay rent for your own bedroom?!  Do you think that is even right?!?

Well, that's what's happening to me!!  I found a job I can work at but not working at it right now because we quarantine frequently due to the delta-variant.  Now, my parents expect me to pay rent for my own "privileged" bedroom in their house!  Why, I am their daughter!!  And they no longer treat me like one!!!

Why should I pay a "rent" in a family house they agreed to let me stay in?!  What now, they kick me out the bedroom and the house if I don't pay the rent?!  If that is the case, I can just go homeless.  Sure, leave out on the streets, sleep in my car, be on my own...

Ugh, the thought of having to pay a rent in my "room" disgusts me.  Not literally, but it is super stressful because it gives me no choice but to ignore my unvaccinated grandparents' health to work a job.  Why do they have to be so unfair?!?  I cried tears as a reaction to the stress, but they called it "unacceptable!"

I am crying right now while typing this, since it is a vent book and I have been venting.  Thank you for listening, leave nice comments if you want to leave any, and have a good day.

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