5 | Stupid Hawaiian Shirt

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Now I'm not quite sure how I ended up laying with my head on Harry's chest with our legs tangled together as I'm practically laying on top of him while his arms wrap firmly around my back, but nevertheless, I'm here.

Well when I first woke up I was confused to say the least. When I finally realized it was another human body I'm laying on top of, my first thought was 'I swear to God if I drunk called Riley to hook up-'

I'm sure you could imagine my relief when I inhaled the rich scent of Harry's cologne and pieced together the fact that it is not in fact my ex-boyfriend that I'm laying on top of half-naked.

To be fair, Harry is a little more naked than I am, only wearing a pair of boxers, while I'm in a very small light blue tank top I threw on last night, and a white thong. Not very conservative, but considering I sat on his face last night, I don't think it's an issue.

Oh God I sat on his face last night.

Oh God I've only known him for two days.

Now one night stands aren't something I'm unfamiliar with, in fact I've had my fair share, but they always end with the comfort of knowing that I'll never see them again. I also don't usually let them sleep over, and when they do, we don't cuddle.

In my defense, I didn't mean to start cuddling with him. In fact, when I came back into the room after cleaning myself up and taking a quick shower he was already completely passed on my bed in just his boxers.

I wasn't gonna be evil and wake him up, so I just got in next to him, but there was a considerable gap between us. One that is clearly nonexistent now.

Well, I suppose it wasn't a horrible way to wake up. Riley wasn't a very touchy-feely person so cuddling isn't really something I'm used to, but I mean I don't exactly hate it. Actually, it's kind of... nice?

But I'm sure the fact that it's Harry has absolutely nothing to do with that, I've just been deprived of human contact for a while, I'm sure I'd feel the same way with any other random person.

That's it, Harry is just a random person I had sex with and then I woke up next to... well on top of.

Except it's different because I'm going to be seeing a lot of him since he's working at the coffee shop and I'm not just going to stop going there to avoid him like I do with my other one-night stands.

Besides, I actually kind of... like Harry. Well not like him, I mean I just met him. Even though he is really fucking sweet, and adorable, and gorgeous, and submissive. What I mean is that I'd like to be friends.

God, there is too much going on in my brain at 8 am in the morning.

Oh so carefully I roll off of him, doing my best not to disturb him or wake him up. He whines a little, furrowing his brows, but ultimately remains asleep.

Sat on the edge of my bed I look back at him laid out on his back and breathing deeply. I take a minute to admire how pretty he is with the morning sun filtering in through the window.

Last night I didn't have the time to just stop and actually look at him. He looks strong, I can tell he works out by his defined abs and v-line, not to mention how effortlessly he was able to pick me up last night.

He's truly one of the most gorgeous people I've ever seen and despite some of his predominately masculine features, there's something so incredibly delicate about him. Maybe it's his collar bones decorated with swallows or his incredible bone structure, or maybe it's the light freckles sprinkled on his nose, the wispy naturally curled eyelashes brushing his under eyes as he sleeps peacefully, maybe it's his perfectly pink lips.

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