
143 8 5

Tws: needles, intense pain 

The first scientist came forward with a tray of needles. They all held a deep purple liquid, that seemed to glow unnaturally. 

The voice started to talk again.

"We are pleased to present subject 38E, formerly known as 'Ranboo'. The subject has already been given the pre-injections of the chemical that will kickstart the transformation, and will prepare it for what's coming next."

Ranboo started to struggle again, straining against the straps with all his strength.

Transformation? What were they doing to him? 

He had to get out, had to get free.

Ranboo started to panic, his thoughts clouded with worry and desperation. 

He drifted away on a tide of panic, unable to stop. His struggles became more frantic, as a wierd noise escaped his mouth.

⊑ ⟒ ⌰ ⌿ 

The scientist that had been walking towards him with the needles, stepped back in surprise, nearly dropping the tray.

The voice laughed happily

"I think this will be the one."

It paused

"Can we calm it down please? We cant experiment with it like this now can we?"

A scientist came forward with another needle.

"Thank you, now, on with the experiment."

The scientist grabbed Ranboo's flailing arm, pinned it to the table and jabbed the needle into it. It took a few seconds for the effects to kick in, and soon ranboo couldnt move anymore. He tried to lift his head but couldnt. He couldnt even move a single finger.

The scientist with the tray came forward again, and ranboo tried to scream. They picked up the first needle and stuck it into his left arm. Ranboo felt nothing but a small tingling sensation. He looked down at his arm, and saw the purple liquid spreading beneath his skin like a glowing spiderweb of veins.

The scientist picked up another needle, filled with more purple liquid, and pushed it into his other arm. Once again, Ranboo felt nothing. The scientist stepped back and watched ranboo carefully.

It was a few minutes before the pain kicked in.

he screamed and shouted until his voice went hoarse but they just stood there.



then, suddenly, the pain stopped. as quickly as it had begun.

Just like that.

The scientists were confused, he heard some of them mutter

"This shouldn't be happening!"

The voice spoke again, this time with worry and anger.

"Whats going on? Why is nothing happening. More! Give it more! I will not fail again!"

The figure in the red cloak and crown shifted, and turned just enough for ranboo to see their  face. Well- part of it. The figure's eyes were completely hidden by a pair of blacked-out sunglasses. They wore bright red lipstick and their hair was almost shoulder length, brown and curly.

A scientist stepped forward with another needle. Ranboo strained against his bonds, desperately trying to free himself, but it was no use. The scientist jabbed the needle into ranboo's arm. Again nothing happened.

"Again!" The voice called, "again! More!" 

The scientists muttered nervously.

"What?!" The voice shouted again, "whats wrong?! Do as I say! I dont pay you for nothing!"

One of the scientists finally spoke up, sounding extremely scared, "bu-but sir- if we give him- I mean it- anymore we could ki-"

The voice interrupted "I dont care! Just do it!"

The scientist grabbed another tray of needles, and jabbed the first one into his arm. Again and again, ranboo counted seven more needles, and the purple glow beneath his skin glowed almost blindingly bright. The pain was like nothing ranboo had ever experienced. He screamed and thrashed and begged for it to stop but it never did. He was still screaming when the figure in the glasses stood.

Their voice was compelling and instructing. "Enough." They said. they waved a hand carelessly. "Take it away. It's obviously a failure... im disappointed in you, Johnathan..."

The voice, or "Johnathan"  sounded like it wanted to argue. "Bu- i-... yes your highness"

Another scientist stepped forward, poked ranboo with yet another needle, and the world faded to black.


A few hours later...

Ranboo woke in a cold, dark room, but not the same one as before. He looked around, eyes slowly adjusting to the room. They fell on a figure curled up in the corner.

"Oh." It said. "You're finally awake"


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2022 ⏰

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