Now some fighting and other stuff

Comincia dall'inizio

Time skip to travelling 

Artemis's POV

We were all in the moon chariot. I honestly never thought the day would come when my hunters would accept a man as one of their own. Percy had his hood down and the wind was blowing his hair back his eyes shining with happiness and joy. He smiled his lopsided smile at me and i could feel myself blushing so i turned away and pretended to look at something. He couldn't move because Abi and Thalia had fallen asleep on his shoulders. 

I looked back at him and he looked confused as we turned towards Olympus.

"We were hunting a monster group and it turns out you killed them all so we get some time off" i explain

"Ahh okay"

I park my chariot by my palace and Percy carries Abi and Thalia into the room for the hunters where he tucked every single one of them in with and kissing them on the forehead gently. Not in a romantic way but in a brotherly way. 

We both walked out of the room and out of nowhere he picks me up bridal style and i blush hard and shriek "PERSEUS PUT ME DOWN". 

"Nope as my job as your guardian I need to make sure you get to sleep."

He carries me into my room and lays me down and tucks me in then as my eyes start to drop I feel him kiss my forehead as I slip into sleep.

Percy's POV

After putting Artemis to sleep I had something to do. I was going to go and kill the mortals that had made Abi's life so hard, but first I needed to get Zeus's permission. 

I walk through Olympus get to the throne rooms doors and send them flying off the hinges by accident. Oops! I look up and all the Gods and staring at me. Are they in the middle of poker? cool I like poker.  I think dad's winning nice because Athena looks pissed.

Rubbing the back of my neck "Sorry" 

"Why are you here Perseus aren't you supposed to be protecting my daughter and her hunters?" Zeus asks

"Oh they are all asleep in her palace and why I'm here well I need your permission to go and kill some mortals who made one of the hunters lives really hard and it was worrying Artemis so I'm going without telling anyone." I explain

"Ah okay well you can go and we'll send Hades along to clean up and send the mortals to the fields of punishment." He says

"Cheers" I say

"NO don't you fucking do it no stop" I here Hermes and Apollo shouting

As I backflip off of Olympus, change into an eagle and fly towards California.  

I land in the small town and I'm looking guys who look like they use steroids. I have this cool thing that Chaos unlocked  for me I call it my assassin sense and I can tell who my target it and if people are lying its awesome and really useful.

I see the group of guys heading out of town. They couldn't make it any easier could they. 

Once the guys are in a clearing in a forest I walk through making sure could all see me in the same clothes when I beat the ever loving shit out of them.

Still the same just slightly bigger but that's never stopped anyone. They turn and see me "YOU" the leader bellows.

"YOU" I mock his voice

"STOP IT" he yells

"YOU STOP IT" I mimic

They don't think I notice the guys sneaking behind me with knives then they leap at me and I drop to the floor and he fly's over me driving his knife into the leaders gut causing him to roar out in pain. I use this to my advantage and pull the knife up so i can reach in through the cut grab a rib snap it and pull it out and drive into his temple. I then throw the rib into the throat of another one so they both die. Then I end the third guy quickly by snapping his neck. Dude number four comes up behind me i spin and punch through his stomach and all his organs grab his spinal cord and pull it out then thrusting the spinal cord through number fives skull. All of the guys are dead and I'm covered in blood.

"EWWWW Nephew just EWWW" I hear behind me. "If you ever need another job for a bit then you can come down and help in the Fields of Punishment"

"Cheers Uncle but I'll pass for now"

"I vapour travel back to the throne room and Ares gets up flickers to Mars walks up to me with hand on my shoulder "Kid the Greeks and Romans are going to know you as "The Avenger" and Dark Angel but not who you are yet"

"Cheers guys I'm going to go crash for the night" I say yawning.

"Cya cuz"

I vapour travel back to Artemis's palace and fall asleep on the sofa.

The betrayed GuardianDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora