Chapter 4

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White. That's the very first thing I remember. I could hear faint voices talking in the background, sounds important for them to be talking about it so seriously, but why can I hear them? When I open my eyes, my surroundings were green? Blue? blue-ish green? Whatever color it was, it seemed like I was inside some kind of tank with this filled with the liquid. I tried moving my arms, but I couldn't, it was like they had a mind of their own. Suddenly, my eyes close, and I return to sleep.

*Sometime later*

As I regain consciousness, I find I'm still inside the same tank, only... I could see someone. He was bald with slightly tanned skin. His eyes were sharp and focused on me. A toothy grin filled with malice was plastered on his face as he stared at me, his left palm pressed against the glass of the tank. I manage to move my head, not a lot, but a bit. I look down, spotting a... control panel? Probably for the tank. And then... everything goes black again.

*Even More Time Later*

I hear screaming and yelling. Grunting and crashing. That's what I wake up to? What are these people doing now? I open my eyes, finding that I'm able to see the room I'm in now. It was a large metal room, filled with machines, robots, and such. The entrance was a large metal door that looked like it would weigh a ton. I look down, moving my hands so I could see them... My hands. I can finally see my hands!

But, something else catches my attention, I may not be touching anything other than the machines keeping me breathing and checking my vitals, but I could feel... no, see what was happening outside the door. Strange creatures were being thrown around and panicking as a group of... 5? 6? Maybe more people forced their way to the door. I look up at the door, hearing the crumbling of metal before it's ripped off by a lady with red hair and green eyes. From there, all I could make out were blurry figures rushing towards my pod before I passed out again.

Flashback End

Right now, I was sitting in my bed in my room reading a book, Krypto laying on my lap as I pet him. I woke up an hour ago, but I really didn't feel like dealing with the team, so I haven't left my room. I heard my door slide open and a small gasp as I finished reading a sentence. I look up, spotting Cassie standing at the entrance of the door. She seemed shocked. I raise an eyebrow, "What?" She regains her composer and walks over to my bed, sitting on the edge. "N... Nothing. You had us scared there, y'know" I chuckle, "Sure I did" She places her hand on my right knee, 

"Seriously, you hadn't left your room in hours. I- we, didn't know when you'd wake up" I scratch Krypto's ear. He opens one eye before crawling forwards, placing his head on Cassie's leg. "He likes you" I smile, Krypto's usually stingy about who he trusts since Cadmus sent a couple of agents dressed as an elderly couple that tried to kill us. She giggled, "I guess he does..." She scratches his back before resting her hand on his white fur, her smile fading from her face. "Y'know... you and Jaime got off on the wrong foot. Maybe you could..." "Could what? Apologize?" She just ruined my mood.

(Why would I have to apologize?! I did nothing wrong! He shouldn't have started with Damian!) "No! It's just..." She hesitated, "Just what? Cuz he's your friend and Damian's not, that means I should apologize for supporting my friend?!" I strained my voice, so I wouldn't yell. Krypto stood up from his lying position, before walking off the bed and laying on the floor next to the bed. I close my book, setting it on the nightstand. "You know that's not what I'm saying. I just don't want things to stay bad between you and the team" She justified her thoughts. I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Fine!" Her face brightens up, "But," Her eyebrows furrowed up, worried, "He apologizes" I say simply. "And you won't hold a grudge?" She interrogated, knowing how long I could hold a grudge, and let's just say, my grudges don't usually go away. I look away, "I can't say" She sighs before standing up off my bed. "Guess that's the best I'm going to get out of you. Let's go" She spoke, walking over to my door. "Go?" She looks back at me, "Duh, the team has to know that you're okay" "Can't you tell them?" I question, "Yeah, but, you gotta leave this room at some point!" (A/N: I write this knowing I don't leave my room unless I have to)

I nod, seeing her point, "... Fine" "Yes!" As she leaves my room, the door closing, but I manage to see her skip into the air and squeal before the door shuts. I sigh, shaking my head with a smile before getting out of bed.

3rd POV -

Living room

Jaime, Emiko, Gar, and Cassie were in the room. Jaime was on the laptop while Garfield was playing Emiko in Jenga. Cassie was going through her phone. Currently, it's Gar's turn as he's morphed into a chameleon as he carefully slides a block out of the tower. "Steady..." Suddenly, the tower falls onto him, "Uh- Ahhh!" He screams as he's overtaken by the blocks. Emiko giggles at the result. "Can you please do that somewhere el-?" Jaime tried to beg, but he was interrupted, "Cassie?" This catches everyone's attention as they looked up, spotting Y/N standing there, dressed in a red and black t-shirt, a pair of blue jeans, and black boots with a silver watch on his right wrist. 

Both his hands were tucked into his jean pockets as he stood there, his E/C eyes scanning over them. "Y- Y/N? Your ok!" Emiko spoke first, standing up with a large smile over her face, but she quickly realizes what she's doing and regains her composure. "I- I mean, I'm glad your alright!" She looks away, a faint blush over her cheeks. Y/N smiles softly at her, "Yeah" "Y/N..." Jaime spoke. Y/N's smile quickly fades from his face as he looks over at Jaime, his eyes becoming black with a white glow for a moment before returning to normal.

"Anyway!" Cassie interjected, standing up and walking over to Y/N. "Now that Y/N is okay, we have to talk to Kori about... what happened" Cassie explained, grabbing Y/N's left arm, "C'mon!" She dragged Y/N along, "Ah- Alright Alright!" Y/N sighed as he followed.


Kori's room

Cassie and Y/N were walking towards Kori's room door when they noticed Kori doing the same. "Oh! Y/N you're up! How are you?" "uh, fine. Nothing too bad, just sore, is all" As they got closer, they noticed, her door was open. They peek in to see Damian on her laptop. "What are you doing in my room?" She spoke up as Cassie and Y/N follow her into her room. Kori walks over to Damian as she closes her laptop, he turns to her. "We have rules, Damian. You never trespass another person's space" "You have nothing on her. No background, no history" Damian spoke, Y/N looks over at Cassie, who notices his gaze and shrugs her shoulders.

"On who?" Kori was just as confused as they were. "Raven. You're the leader of this group, you should know everything about her. It's called wetting" Damian explained. "She's 14. No father, no mother. She grew up in a hostile realm, much like my own planet. And she escaped, like I did. We didn't know about Raven when we took her in except she needed a home. A place to grow" Kori explained, though it didn't satisfy Damian. Cassie felt pitty for Raven, while Y/N had no reaction.

"I was taught that knowledge was power and you know nothing about her" Robin interjected as Kori crossed her arms,  "How much do you have to know when people are in need? Garfield was 11 when his genetics kicked in and gave him green skin and powers. We still don't know the purpose of Jaime's alien armor or all of its abilities. And Emiko was taken in my Green Arrow when she was young but lacks the ability to trust in others" Kori explained, purposefully leaving out Cassie, since she was standing right there. "We just knew they needed help. You have to have a little faith sometimes" She finished, but Damian rolled his eyes.

"Faith is belief based on an absence of data. It invites disaster" Damian hissed as he stood and walked away from her. As he passed Y/N, Y/N placed a hand on his shoulder as Damian nods before leaving the room. "Can you believe him!?" Kori spoke, turning to face them as she leaned on her desk. "With all due respect, Damian isn't incorrect" Y/N spoke up. " How could you say that?" "From what I've gathered, Raven's hiding something, withholding information. Her 'nightmares' stem from something, something more than a simple dream. She's afraid, weary. And you have no idea why" Y/N informed, shocking Cassie and Kori. "H-how'd you know about her nightmares?" Cassie questioned.

"Another example of lack of data. For all you know I could be under Cadmus's full control right now" A disgusted expression flashed across his face for a second before fading back to neutral. "But, Y/N, how could you say that? You trusted us with about your past" At this, a smirk spread across Y/N's face, a smirk that worried Kori. "Did I?" He questions, walking out of the room, leaving Cassie and Kari.


We've settled on..... A HAREM!!!

Sorry for those who wanted only Wondergirl, but you were outvoted!

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