"Y-Y/N, who are you gonna tell?" Midoriya asked nervously as he leaned against the tree behind him.

Green electricity began to spark from his fingertips as he glared at her. Y/N looked down at the sparks and looked back up at Midoriya. She let go and stepped back, however, the smirk never faded.

"Don't worry, Midoriya. I haven't told anyone and I wasn't planning on it, but that doesn't mean others haven't figured it out," Y/N said as she crossed her arms in front of her chest and leaned against the tree behind her.

"Who else knows?" Midoriya asked.

"I'm not sure but I think some people at the league have figured it out," Y/N said.

"Okay... how did you find out though?" He asked.

The electricity disappeared as he relaxed a bit. Y/N noticed and her expression went back to a serious one.

"I heard All Might talk about it to Recovery Girl, then I overheard you and All Might talking about becoming the next symbol of peace. Other than that, I finished connecting the dots and analyzed you," Y/N admitted as she shrugged.

"You make it sound easy," Midoriya said in embarrassment.

"Because it was. You need to be more careful with where and who you talk about it," Y/N said.

"You're right, but that still leaves me with one question," Midoriya said as he pushed himself off the tree.

"So many questions. What is this? An interrogation?" Y/N whined as she rolled her head.

"You had so many chances to kill me, yet you never took them. Why's that?" Midoriya asked.

"One: I never wanted to kill you. Two: it was never MY mission. And three: don't you remember what I told you at the mall? Are you brain damaged? How could you forget something like that?" Y/N said with a hint of offense in her voice.

"You meant it?! I didn't think about it that hard. I mean, of course, I thought about it but I thought it was something you said in the moment and you never really actually cared and you just wanted to make me trust you and then you kissed me. I mean it wasn't really a kiss, it was a kiss on the cheek and I never stopped thinking about it but I figured it was just an act and-" Midoriya began rambling as he fidgeted with his hands.

"Oh my gosh, you really are brain-damaged," Y/N said as she rolled her eyes and pushed herself off the tree. 

She walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck and pressing her body close to his, making him stop rambling, and looked over at her.

"What are you doing?" He asked in confusion and embarrassment as a light blush appeared on his face.

"If I kissed you right now, would that make you believe that I really meant what I said?" Y/N asked with a snarky attitude.

"If you lose a bit of the attitude then maybe," Midoriya mumbled.

"Will it?" She asked in a gentle tone as she looked into his eyes.

Midoriya looked at Y/N. Her lips were slightly parted and her half-lidded expression was looking at him. He quietly gulped and leaned into her. Their lips met and they both melted into the kiss. Y/N slightly tilted her head as she kissed him, while Midoriya wrapped his arms around her waist and gently pulled her closer. Y/N moved her hands up and into his hair as she brushed through his soft curls. They both finally shared a kiss that they had never realized they so desperately wanted from each other. Y/N slowly pulled away and giggled under her breath. She moved one arm and covered her mouth with the back of her wrist, trying not to let her stupid grin show while she put her other hand on Midoriya's chest. Midoriya softly smiled at her and admired her laugh. At this moment, they had both forgotten who they were and that they were on opposite sides of a battle that is to come. What they were doing was irresponsible and dangerous but they didn't seem to notice.

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