Finding out

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This is a part 2 to "coping mechanism" a lot of this is actually going to be in a story line ig (other than the requests of course), but you may be able to skip over chapters without it mattering.

Referencing a very ooc Kyo :)) (sorry)

Pairing: Tohru x Kyo

I hate writers block >:(

Kyo frowned as he walked towards his girlfriends room. The brunette had been spending a lot of time with the ex rat the past month or so and he couldn't help to feel upset. Of course he would never admit that aloud, or even to himself for that matter.

Knocking on the girls door he waited for a response but after getting none he decided to just open the door. When he did his jaw dropped.

What... was going on here?

Yuki, the all so formal and mature Yuki was sitting on the floor of the girls room in a childish onesie, a stuffie in hand and a pacifier bobbing back and forth in his mouth as he coloured in a colouring book. This was a sight that would never be unseen.

"What.. the fuck.." the ex cat muttered out. The two others in the room snapped their attention towards the red head. They hadn't even heard him knock or come in. They were too into their own little world!

The pairs eyes widened in fear, Yuki more so that Tohru. After all he was the one that had been caught in such a position. It didn't help the fact that Kyo hated him, and would definitely make fun of him, and use this information against him.

The light gray haired boy started to panic slightly as he avoided all eye contact with the male standing across with him on the other side of the room. He was in such a vulnerable position and he didn't know how badly Kyo would react to it.

Luckily though, Tohru seemed to notice the little starting to freak out and got up and walked towards Kyo. Taking the red heads hand in hers she asked, "Kyo may I talk with you privately?" She asked as Kyo nodded sceptically.

Exiting the room, they stood right outside the door. Tohru thought for a moment on how she would explain this in a way that her lover would understand.

"Tohru, what was that? Why did the rat look.. that?" Kyo snapped the brunette from her thoughts and looked back up the boy.

"Oh, uhm that's called age regression, or little space. It's a coping mechanism! I know you probably think it's weird, and that Yuki-kun is disgusting— which he's not!— or something like that, so please just hear me out Kyo-kun..." she started off before being interrupted with the ex cat ruffling her hair up. Pouting slightly she looked up at the taller boy who was smiling down at her softly.

"You don't need to explain anything to me Tohru. It isn't any of my business what the two of you do— unless it's something romantic, which it's not— behind closed doors. It's a coping mechanism right? I may not get it, or how it would help him, but if it does that's great! I'll just leave you two alone to do it. Just give me a warning next time, the was quite a sight— not that it's bad or anything! Just.. something.." He said softly as she smiled widely, glad he was accepting.

"Are you sure though? If you have any questions, I'd be glad to answer them!" She responded kindly as he nodded.

"Alright. How does it work then...? I don't get it." He asked after a moment.

Tohru thought for a moment on how to respond. "He mostly regresses whenever he's having bad memories, or dreams mostly to do with the curse, and Akito. When he gets all panicky from it his mind starts to get foggy and blurry, and he starts slipping. Slipping to cope. To get back the childhood he never had. He usually can't stop himself from feeling childish. A little— which is what people who regress are called— can repress their little space back, but it's not good for them. Yuki doesn't really do that though, a little at first when he was still getting use to his regression and was still a little embarrassed of it, but now he'll usually go right in and come get me. And for me, I'm what's called a caregiver. I get to take care of him, and comfort him if he needs it. Make sure he doesn't get hurt as he's usually too small to take care of himself."

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