‘This ah,’ Yoona biting the spoon and think, ‘Last time President seems to have a girlfriend.’

‘Have you seen her before? How old is she? Where is she from? Family background, education and what about look?’ I eagerly asked.

Yoona laughable look at me ‘It seems that you never experience torment ah! I met her once, when the company held a buffet dinner almost at the end. She came over to meet with President Liu, at that time I was sending something over. We spoke a few words.’

‘People ah…..’ Yoona trying to recall her memories. ‘I can only said in general. She studied overseas. But I think definitely not a good school, because the way she spoke in English was not so good. Especially individual words the accent was not clear. She don’t look young, it said same age with President. But I believe she was older than President. Character…. not good, but you can always said that her appearance look accommodating. I remember President said he wanted to go out for dinner, she said she was not feeling well and she didn’t want to go, immediately President said let go back and cook.’

‘Taehyung…. President can cook?!’ I always suspecting whether this man able to distinguish between cauliflower and vegetable!

‘At that time I also think the same. But overall President do look like an experience cook husband image ah.’

After saying goodbye to Yoona, in my do ‘cake’ recipe, I fill up my first word.

Tip 1: General appearance, same age, study aboard, have a slight tendency of queen character, can made Taehyung…. cook!

In the afternoon, I “encounter’ HR, Wang sister in the pantry. Wang sister is about forty plus years old, one of our company seniority. Although she is ‘big sister’, but she look upright, tall and sturdy, character also carefree and very outspoken, absolute manful manner. The main point is, she often responsible for employee benefits and logistics of the work, able employee and family member to be in touch with.

I asked ‘Wang sister, why our company like this, so many singles ah?’

Wang sister smiled and quipped ‘How little girl, do you have any other thought?’

‘Everyday day I watched them and I still don’t know what is morality and conduct? Mainly my friend, when they knew I work in AC, they wanted me to help them to introduce boyfriend. How do I know how to introduce ma?’

‘Busy with work till don’t have amusement time. If can help to solve that would be helpful. Killing two birds with one stone.’

‘True.’ I agreed, ‘Long time ago I saw this gossip magazine it appraise top 10 bachelor. I thought, if our President don’t have a girlfriend, I’m sure he will be listed.’

‘Yes ah, but haven’t said that Sir Kim such a young age has achieved an outstanding career. Blissful romance not so easy ah!’

‘There is once Sir Kim has an emergency trip and our company does not have enough manpower. It just so happen that I know where he stay and they asked me to pick up his luggage. I knocked on the door and a girl opened the door. Young, look around twenties plus, petite and delicate features, soft spoken and don’t have the arrogance manner. Completely different from the other girls who relied on wealthy boyfriend and proud. When I went there she was in the midst of cleaning the house, very politely and asked whether I have any urgent matter.’

‘Are you very sure she is the mistress not….. housekeeper?’

‘Will your home housekeeper said “Our house’s Tae trouble you to take care le’, ‘Our Tae lucky to have friends support. Before leaving, insist to drive me and asked me to bring a box of cookies.” You, so ingenuity ah, I have been living for forties years, can’t be as skillful as you.’

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