Namjoon did not talk much. It made me feel at ease and the envelope was only a thin one. I was very grateful. AC treat employees very personalized. Even though it is not much of money, at least they also prepared an envelope for me. So that I don’t feel embarrass in front of my colleagues.

I suddenly remembered a phrase from Taehyung Join AC and we achieve our goal together.

Yes, AC has made me achieve and I hope to have an opportunity to achieve for AC.

I was clutching the envelope while daydreaming, when Bambam suddenly came up and snatched the envelope from my hand. He squeezed the thickness and smacked ‘What is this? They also send cheque?’

How can it be? I smiled and opened the envelope. Inside there is a letter. I show and read in front of Peter: ‘Your company’s debt has been reduce from 1.784 to 1.782 Million Yuan. Congratulations. Your free service to our company from 31 years 9 months and eight days has been reduce to 31 years 7 months and 24 days.’

“So cruel!’ Bambam pat my shoulder to show sympathy and said ‘Lalisa, don’t worry, when I retire, I will still come back to visit you.’

I carefully put away this joke letter because below this jargon it got Taehyung’s signature.

Thunder brother ah, do you occasionally think of me, isn’t it?

Of course, in my heart I’m a little disappointed not begin able to share the bonus.

‘Credit and debt are two different things! Profitable is none of your business, debt continues to be borne by you. Just be the little slave and don’t covet.’

At this point, I really don’t think he is as kind as Bambam.

I feel significantly warmer like last week.

November 11 is the anniversary of our company. Every year, on this day the company will only operate for half a day. The employees will be celebrating in a relaxed atmosphere. And the other half will be their off day. We joked about it. Originally, all our shareholders must be bachelors. On November 11, due to boredom they decided to set up a company. Later some got married and forgot those single brother who suffer the pain. Singles don’t work and those with family will go out to have fun. Singles will be looking in depression from the corner alone.

This year, we have more transactions, therefore unable to have full rest like previous year. Someone picked up some gossip, saying company will let those singles off. Let them go and find true love. In order to comfort those who are singles, the married will then need to work overtime.

I suddenly thought, if so, then Taehyung must be active on the road for his blind date. Thinking about this made me laugh out loud.

But in fact, the company had such arrangement for certain departments only. For those who are not busy on 11 November, they can take the day off. For those who had to work, they will enjoy two-day weekend trip to the suburb, organised by the company.

Legal Department is always onerous by nature that is why they has been assigned to the suburb trip.

Suburb trip means needing to travel east outskirts of F City. 50 miles outside one of the lake resort. I am very fond of the lake. Once I hear that we are going there, I was so happy.

I exploited some money from Jisoo and forced her to accompany me to the supermarket to buy some titbits. Jisoo was angry and depressed. She than whispered ‘Is just a broken lake! Why you act so excited, like a school girl going for an outing?’

I said ‘This you don’t understand. When you are upset, sitting at the lake, watching the motion of the water, it make you feel that your emotion are like waves. All the trouble gently swing away and vanish.’

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