‘Then…. President, I will excuse myself. I shall will not bother you.’ I slowly crept out.

‘Wait!’ he called without looking at me. ‘I heard yesterday you called out “not a gold digger” at the restaurant. What’s the matter?’

While I was thinking of countermeasures, my mind search for the suspicious spy. But at that time, almost all the employees were gathered in the restaurant. So too many witnesses. I don’t know what exactly President had heard. The most sensible approach was to speak the truth ‘I just don’t understand what the job responsibility of a “Special Assistant”. In other word is a joke.’

‘A joke?’ He finally opened his eyes without glasses, clearly more evil. ‘So you want to be rich?’

I tried to suppress my anger. What kind of understand is this! How could he twist and turn my words.

He seemed to appreciate my silly look. After a while he said ‘Well, I was just joking. Please go and tell Seokjin and the rest that Lunjia Corporation’s project has succeed. Let celebrate! I will treat everyone to lunch.’

I blurted out ‘Ah, I have an appointment with Chae. Today I need to accompany her to hospital at noon time.’

‘Did I said I will invite you? Did you participate in Lunjia’s project?’

I have not join the company when Lunjia’s project was in negotiation…. But he should at least give me some face.

‘However, it’s time to tell you how to keep up.’

‘Keep up! Assistant cooperate with President’s work way of saying.’

Seokjin will collaborate with Taehyung in any Board of Director meeting or any major conferences. Yoona and Sunmi will take part in foreign negotiations and be Taehyung’s escort to all company function. When facing any internal affairs of the company it will always be Taeyon who stood behind Taehyung.

And me, Lalisa Manoban, Special Assistant to President, how should I “keep up”? It seems most of President’s time has been assigned.

I told Chae ‘Don’t tell me I need to follow him when he eat, drive or go to the toilet?’

‘Lisa, why are you so pathetic, even toilet you wanted to follow him.’

Facts have proven that the words that I said are future prediction. Not causing any problems or conflict.

At the end Taehyung did bring me to Lunjia’s project celebration. Not because of his sudden conscience, but he just wanted to show his kindness and friendly image to other subordinates.

In the banquet room, he said ‘In addition to my four Assistants, I will have Lalisa Manoban assisting me.’

I did a calculation, after deducting the four Assistants job scope, the balance will be eating, resting driving and ….. toilet time.

After dinner when no one is around, I asked him ‘Do you also want me to follow you to toilet!’

With his toothpick dangling, he stared and said ‘If you don’t mind, I don’t mind.’

….. I mind!


The company circulation and discussion about “Special Assistant” finally settle down.

This is because, they see the person running up and down while pouring tea or water when President occasionally lunch in the employee’s cafeteria. And when the President is walking towards the entrance, you will see the person rushing over to the front and clear the path. In the morning, during the rush hour, the person will be seen holding the elevator doors while silently withstand the angry stare as they wait for the President to slowly walk-in.

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