Chapter 1

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"Thanks for bandaging my arm Tessa."

"No problem" said Tessa
"Oh there is also a package for you on your bed too."

'I wonder what it could be, I wasn't expecting anything'

"Thanks for letting me know."

I walk to my room and open the door to see a medium sized box with a letter on top. I was about to open the letter when my grandma walked in through the door.

"Oh wait, before you open that I need to tell you something."

"O-okay if it's that important you could've just told me before I went training."

"Well if I did that then I would have had to wake up at 4:30 and I really didn't feel like doing that today, but anyway this letter is going to say something about your near future that we have to discuss."

"Okay so wait does this have to do with the police and heros you were talking to the other day, 'cause if so we were not being too loud."

"Well that's an obvious lie and we both know that, anyway this has to do with high school and this letter will let you know if and when you will be accepted."

"G/N what did you do this time, I mean at least you didn't somehow get me into U-"


"'Cause you didn't get me into UA right?"

"So don't be angry but I may have gotten you to be recommended at UA, but this is a huge once in a lifetime opportunity here."

"I don't care about heros and they don't or shouldn't care about me, I should be nowhere near their radar!!"

By this time I was yelling my head off until grandmother had to pull the almost crumpled letter from my hands.

"Just give it a shot please, you never truly know unless you try right, just open the letter and see what it says."

"Fine but only because you're right about the not truly knowing part." I say with annoyance. I take the letter from her hands and open it.

'Dear Miss Y/N
You have been recommended by the pro hero Midnight to UA, class 1A and we are informed that you are going to come next weekend and get your dorm situation set. As you may or may not know there has been an attack at the USJ training camp, but everyone is now safe and okay. We have talked to your grandmother about you coming to live in the dorms and she said that it was okay. We are so excited to have you attend UA. As agreed you will be able to have 27 more fights then give over the arena to proper authority, and have everyone leave.'

That's when my mouth dropped in disbelief. I was going to live in dorms? And everyone has to leave this place for good? No!!

"Dorms?! I can't go and live in dorms with people I don't know, what about everything else that's here, like you, Tessa, Butch, Clutch, and everyone else?!!!"

"We all talked about this and decided that it would be the best thing for your future as an adult. Everyone is on board, including Tessa."

'Take deep breaths, take deep breaths' I thought to myself.

"Well if everyone's agreeing then I guess I'm going to UA!!" I said excitedly. Then the door was slammed into the wall and Butch, Clutch, and Tessa ran through. They all hugged me and my grandma, then we had dinner and I was back in my room and opened the package to see a schedule, school map, and a neatly folded uniform at the bottom. With that I decided to go to bed because I was exhausted from everything that happened today.

To Fight Or To Love? [Denki X Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now