Walking in a Midnight Rainstorm

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I'd love to see Paris, he said.
Why Paris?
Paris has lights.
We have lights here.
or Ireland, or England, somewhere it doesn't rain.
It rains in England.
I want to listen to Irish music and stand next to the Oscar Wilde statue in London.
That statue is in Dublin.
Just another reason to go, Sylvie.
You would love their soda bread and the beer.
You've been?
In college. If I could go anywhere though I'd--
Italy probably has the best food.
and Spain would have more culture then any goddamned place on earth.
Travis, that's a lot of places.
I have a lot of places I want to go.
You need money to travel.
It's not about the money, its about the adventure.
Don't get so close to me, you're wet; she didn't smile.
You're wet too! Brazil has the least amount of rainfall a year.
You just made that up. Stop laughing, I know you made that up.
Don't push me. I read it somewhere.
I'm sure.
I'm waiting for you to tell me where you want to go.
Nowhere, she said.
Well, I want to go everywhere. Would you go with me?
I don't know, I heard everywhere is dangerous; they don't speak english.
Would you though, would you go with me?
Lets wait a while, Travis, okay?
Wait for what?
It's just early okay?
Too early to take the red eye to France?
A midnight train to Georgia?
How about a taxi home?
Only if you come with me.

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