kiss the gaze

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Published on: September 11, 2021


"Babe, We are going viral on social media" Gulf smacked on Mew's hip, showing him the video, Mew was hiding his face since he first saw the video...

Gulf slapped more on his butt, "look"

"I don't wanna"

"Getting cold feet now" he giggled as he re-watched the video for the hundredth time. Mew can hear the loud cheer and claps, he knows what is going on in the video, God he wants to dig a hole and wants to hide in it forever...

"Stop" he whined kicking on Gulf's thighs lightly


"how many times are you gonna watch the same"

"till I got the next moment like this"

Mew pulled a pillow on his head, with his red cheeks, "Gulfiee stop"

"Mew"??, Gulf's eyes dilate when a new video starts getting viral,

"Mew, look you grabbed my butt", he took screenshots, Mew sprang immediately,

"No, I didn't"

"You did", "There is another angle, and You clearly grabbed my butt" Gulf squealed enjoying the movement,

He shouted loudly, throwing his arms in the air doing his lovely dance, thanking the almighty and feeling overjoyed...

Mew squealed again, threw a pillow over his head, how did they end up like this....


"When you gonna be here??" Mild dry the sweat on his forehead

"I will be on time"

"No you don't understand, he is panicking going back and forth, and can you just pick his calls and let him know"

"What..... no, what about my surprise"

"P'Mew he is really anxious, and he is about to go on stage"

"I will do something" Mew sighed, his perfect plan to surprise Gulf would fail if he call him, he can't lie and he is way to easy for Gulf, he will know instantly.. 

He spins his phone thinking hard..

"Pen, suggest me some excuse for not picking and calling someone"

"Depends... who is this someone", "Is it your mother??"


"If it is Gulf, then think wisely, he knew your moves"

He plucked his hair, "why am I so easy??"

"Believe me you are not, he just observe you way too much"

His heart skipped a beat with what pen said, he smiled and then cursed again.



Gulf was chewing his nails, going back and forth,

"why you are so stressed??"

"Piii, he has not called yet, not even a text", "something is fishy"

"He... He.. can be in the meeting"

"I know his schedule, and almost for half a day and not a single message or call, something is definitely fishy"

"So you think he is doing some stuff behind your back"

"He needs to reincarnate to do something behind my back", "I am worried", "hope he is not drinking or in trouble"

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