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"Luke?" I pulled my legs out of bed, and searched the room for him. I rubbed my eyes sleepily, and called Luke's name once again.

"Oh my god, Jay!" The door burst open, and Kayleigh came toward me, and she wrapped me in a giant hug.

"Kayleigh!" My lips curved into a smile, as I hugged my friend back. "How'd you find our camp?" I asked, so happy that my friend was still alive.

"My team was travelling, and we just came upon it. Well, actually we kind of got chased by mutants." She chuckled, and twirled a strand of blonde hair around her finger. "Come on, let's go find the others." She pulled me up, and the two of us ran into the living room. I grinned when I noticed Kylen, Fiona, and Hunter sitting with my group.

"Hey!" They all waved at me, and I waved back. I sat down beside Melody, and looked around. Where was Luke? Everyone began talking, and I watched out of the corner of my eye as Kayleigh and Kylen shared a quick kiss. It made me think about Luke, and I got up and walked outside. Thankfully, no one seemed to notice.

"Luke?" I opened the door, to find him collapsed in a heap on the ground. He looked like he was crying, as he covered his eyes with his hands. I instantly rushed to his side, and I touched his back lightly.

"Hey," I gave him a kind smile, and hugged his side. Luke said nothing for a few minutes, but then he eventually looked up at me. Through his mask, I could tell he was crying.
"Shh. It's okay." I hugged him tightly, and kissed him on the head. Luke leaned into me, sobbing into my shoulder. I stayed with him, and the didn't bother with asking him what happened. I knew it would hurt him. "Why don't we head back inside." I asked after about an hour had passed, Luke didn't respond.
"I'll bring you to your room, and you can sleep if you'd like." I suggested, and Luke finally nodded. I helped to his feet, and the two of us walked back into the house. The others looked at us with confusion, but I just ignored them and brought Luke into my room. He collapsed down on the bed, and I pulled up the covers.

"Jay," he whispered just as I was about to leave. I walked toward him, and noticed how sad he looked.

"I'll stay if you want." I smiled warmly, and crawled into the bed beside him. I cuddled up to Luke,

"Everything's going to turn out great Luke. You'll see." I gave him a quick peck on the lips, before laying back down. Luke nodded his head, and I watched him fall asleep.

"You and I will be fine. I know it." I whispered, and squeezed his hand. I just hoped I was right. As I held Luke's hand, I too, fell into a deep sleep.


"Aw, they're adorable." Cherise's voice interrupted my sleep, and I instantly looked up to see her and Kayleigh smiling down at Luke and I.

"You're awake!" Kayleigh giggled, and I hissed.

"Evading our privacy much!" I tossed a pillow at her, and she laughed as it hit her right in the face.

"You two looked so cute though." Kayleigh smiled, and I snarled.

"Shut up." Cherise and Kayleigh giggled. "What time is it?" I changed the topic,

"Time to get up! It's seven in the morning!" Kayleigh cheered, and I groaned, pulling myself out of bed.

"We're headed on another mission!" Melody came into the room, smiling cheerfully.

"Okay." I mumbled, and dragged myself out of bed. The others left my room, and I nudged Luke. His eyes flicked open, and he looked up at me sleepily. "We're headed on another mission." I stretched, and he nodded, pulling himself out of bed. I waved to him before I headed into the bathroom and got changed into a grey hoodie and my camouflage pants. When I slipped my belt on, I double checked to make sure I remembered them. They were there, and I smiled and darted into the living room where everyone was waiting. Kylen suddenly burst in through the front door, with a terrified look on his face.

"There's so many mutants." He breathed,

"Who's out there?!" Melody asked, as she slipped on her gas mask.

"Jett, Fiona and Nova." He explained, "and they need help.".

I was out the door the second after Kylen finished his sentence, and I bolted out the door and towards the fence where I found my friends fighting. A mutant hissed at me, and I pulled out my handguns and shot the mutant twice in the head. Two more appeared, and I easily shot them down. Beside me, Nova attacked with her daggers, Jett attacked with his speed, and Fiona attacked with her fore-arm machetes. A mutant advanced through the crowd of approaching mutants, and it leaped toward me. I easily dodged out of the way, and smirked before I shot the mutant dead.

I could hear a mutant pouncing toward me from behind, but at the last second, they were thrown over my head. A huge grin appeared on my face, as I looked over my shoulder to see Melody standing. She grinned back. Just as more mutants appeared, Dash, Luke, Kayleigh and I shot them down.

"We make a good team.!" Kylen shouted through the fighting, as his axe impaled a mutant. I nodded my agreement, and shot down an approaching mutant. Beside me, Melody used her arm to throw mutants with an incredible force.

"Oh my god." Kayleigh gasped, looking up at the huge group of mutants approaching. They were coming in from all sides, and it looked like there was forty or more in the group. The blonde haired girl quickly reloaded her machine gun, and shot at the mutants. Kayleigh managed to shoot about ten, but there was so many. Even more we're headed for us.

"Where'd they come from!?" Dash screeched, as he killed mutants with his rifle.
My heart sped up, and I realized how many there really was. The chances of any of us surviving were slowly getting lower and lower.

"Aah!" A loud scream echoed through the area, and everyone turned to see Fiona. A mutant had its jaws in her arm.

"Fiona!" I screamed, and ran toward her. I shot the mutant dead, and ran to my friend's aid.

"Keep fighting!" Lev informed the others, who continued fighting.

"Jaylynn, help me." Fiona breathed, and held out her arm. I felt my breathing grow heavy as I stared at the large bite wound. It was slowly began to turn yellow, and I knew she would be infected if we didn't get her help soon.

Hunter came up beside me, and I looked at him,

"What do we do?" I struggled to breath. Hunter's face went as white as a ghost.

"I don't know." He said, and Fiona had a pure look of terror on her face.

"Jay, Hunter, please." She began to sob, and scream as her body transformed. Her teeth slowly became sharp, and her eyes turned yellow. I watched in horror as her jaw began to break, and sharp talons came out of her hands. "Please, kill me." She pleaded, her voice laced with pain and fear. I loaded my handgun, and aimed it at her forehead, but my hands were shaking.

"I can't, I can't do it." I sobbed, covering my face with my hands. A sudden shriek filled my ears, and I pulled my hands away to see that Nova had struck a dagger straight through her heart. Fiona collapsed onto the ground, dead.

"No!" Hunter shouted, and balled his hands into fists. He collapsed beside Fiona's lifeless body, and sobbed. I watched him, and tried to contain the sadness inside me. We just lost Fiona. I didn't pay attention to the others who were fighting, as I sat on the ground beside Hunter.
My hand reached out to brush the short brown hair out of her face, and I shut her eyes with my fingers.

"Jaylynn! Hunter! We need your help!" Dash waved to us, and we rose to our feet. I instantly knew what I had to do.

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