"We've gotta go, and you can't keep up with us. Not yet at least." Tenn explained.

"Huh?" Ace asked. Tenn then jumped off the building with Azrael following from a distance. He was pulling Ace along with him.

"Give me a warning next time!" She shouted. She didn't like his left arm. It was scary to her. She was afraid of it. The two ran as a few more Hunters began to catch up. Four of them to be exact.

"We're gonna fight. I can't go as fast with you." Tenn said, slowing down. They were on an empty street. A piece of Azrael popped up from somewhere and turned into a sword, which Tenn grabbed. He looked over at Ace.

"You couldn't give her one too?" He asked. A sigh came from the sword. Another piece of Azrael quickly came in and it expanded to a sword. Tenn and Ace turned to the four Hunter approaching. Suddenly, a Hound appeared as well.

"This won't be fun." Tenn said.

"Hm..." A male voice said. He was a watching Tenn.

"If he survives this... I'll be impressed..." The voice said again. It seemed it was taking observations on Tenn. Seeing what he could do...

"Watch it!" Tenn shouted, seeing the Hound pounce towards them. Ace dodged out of the way as Tenn put up his left hand. The Hounds crashed into it as Tenn was pushed back.

"Not the effect it was looking for." He said to himself. He jumped back as two of the Hunters charged him. Meanwhile, Ace was dealing with the other two Hunters.

"This human. How does she fair in a fight?" The voice said again.

Ace backed up as the two Hunters charged her. She deflected an attack and barely dodged another one.

"Swing your sword!" Azrael shouted from the sword.

"They'll just deflect it!" Ace shouted.

"Just swing!" Azrael shouted back. Ace dodged an attack then swung her sword. As the Hunter she swung at tried to block it, the sword in her hand slipped out due to Azrael's doing. He quickly transformed into a small sickle, which quickly stabbed into the Hunter's head. It collapsed as the other Hunter just watched, confused on what happened.

Ace stared at the dead Hunter. She grit her teeth and quickly grabbed the sickle from the Hunter's body. The other Hunter put it's arms up to block as she went to stab it. Azrael turned into a sword and completely caught the Hunter by surprise. He got through the block and stabbed it in the chest. Ace then grabbed the handle and pushed the sword up. It exited the shoulder blade as his body also fell. Ace was taking deep breaths.

"Go help Tenn now." Azrael said. Ace stared at the ground.

"I... I never wanted this... this is all because of that man!" She thought to herself. She never imagined she'd be fighting for her life. The realization came to her after killing two Hunters with her own hands.

"ACE! Help Tenn!" Azrael shouted.

"SHUT UP!" She shouted. After a second, she realized what she said. She looked at Azrael, or, the sword.

"You're just like him... just like him. Like—" Ace was saying before Azrael cut her off.

"Look, I don't know who you're comparing me to, but how's not the time to talk. You want Tenn to die? Me neither." He said. Ace just stared at the sword.

"That man from the house... he's too similar to him." She thought to herself. She went and grabbed the sword.

"Hm... that sword. Is that Azrael?" The voice asked itself. There was a small laugh.

Monstered Awayजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें