"Oh Alfie, not a good day for you." Rachel said, sympathetically.

"No, not at all. Um, y'know we had a good start to weekend with practice, which didn't go that badly." she said, as she looked downwards.

"Saturday with Quali, I don't know what happened, we just didn't really have the pace, and then today." she said as she gave a small shrug.

"Do you, know exactly what happened with George or are you yet to look at it?" Rachel asked her.

Alfie sighed. "I was told by my race engineer that Russell cut me up slightly into turn one." Alfie said as she took a breath.

Her press officer, frowned slightly when she addressed George as 'Russell', but didn't say anything.

" I looked at it myself, and that is what happened. So, yeah." Alfie said, as she gave Rachel a small smile, not knowing exactly what else to say.

"Have you spoken to George at all?" Rachel asked, knowing that she and George were good friends (publicly) .

Alfie gave another shrug. "No I haven't, but if I'm honest I really don't want to hear it. From George, or anyone. I'm just a bit fed up." she said simply.

"Alright, well glad you're all okay, and have a good night." Rachel said. Alfie gave her a small 'Thanks' before she was ushered off into another interview.

As soon as Alfie left, George was pulled up to Rachel by his own press officer. "George, a disappointing day for you, is there anything you can tell us?"

George sighed. "Um, no is the simple answer." he said, letting out a breathy laugh, but he didn't seem amused. "I honestly don't know what, that was."

"You haven't spoken to Alfie at all after the race?"

"No I haven't. Haven't had the chance." That was a lie. He had tried, Alfie wasn't having it.

"Glad you're all okay, and good luck for France."

"Yeah thank you." George said, before he too left.

Alfie was sat in her driver's room lying on her sofa, head in her hands, as she tried to give herself five minutes of peace after all the interviews.

Her peace was interrupted however when there was a knock on her door. She let out a breath, but shouted out to the person behind the door, "Come in!"

The door opened slowly, and George came into the room, an upset look on his face. "Can we talk?"

Alfie didn't say anything, but gestured her head towards the other end of the sofa. George closed the door and walked over to the sofa, lifting Alfie's legs so he could sit down, replacing them on his lap.

He turned to his girlfriend and sighed."I am so sorry."

Alfie gave him an unimpressed look. George let out a small breath,"I'm in a Williams, fighting for points. I wasn't going to give that up easily, just 'cause you're my girlfriend."

Alfie scoffed. "I' m aware you're not going to give me track position just because we're together, but I don't expect you to run me off the track taking me out of the race George." she said angrily, and she took her legs off George's lap and sitting up straight.

George closed his eyes,"I didn't mean to-"

"Yeah but you did George. You lost me points and you lost yourself the points you were bloody fighting for." she said.

They looked at eachother for a few seconds, before George spoke up again. "I'm sorry. I don't know what else I can say."

Alfie looked at George sadly. "How are we supposed to do this?"

George frowned at her. "Do what?"

"This." Alfie said, as she gestured between them. "We're going to have to fight eachother on track, and if this just keeps happening then, what are we supposed to do?" Alfie said.

George watched her as she began to ramble on. "George I don't know what's going to happen in the future. What if we get into better teams? Ones that are constantly fighting eachother. What if we get into the same team? What if we-"

She was cut off by George leaning in, and capturing her into a kiss. George shifted forwards slightly and cupped Alfie's face, and she placed her arms around his neck.

When they pulled away, George looked her dead in the eyes." We can do this. I know I can. I love you and that's not going to change."

Alfie gave him a small smile and played with the hair at the back of his head. "I love you too."

George placed one of his hands undeebeath her chin, lifting her head slightly. "Okay?"

Alfie nodded and smiled. "Okay."

George wrapped his arms around Alfie's middle, bringing her into a tight hug. Alfie placed her head in the crook of his neck, sighing. George was right.

They would be fine. They had eachother.

loosely inspired by 2018 Baku

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loosely inspired by 2018 Baku.

sorry Daniel <3

i cba to proof read this so ignore all the spelling

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