'It doesn't matter'

He came near and stood in front of me...

'It's okay you don't have to abort your baby.. We will take care of you until then'

'Wait what? Really'

'Yes but after that you have to work here to payy us back and you will be 18+ by then '

It's my last chance and I can't let this smile I smiled and straightened my backbone...

'Yes sir I promise ' I looked at him and thanked him... And after my pregnancy when I first took you in my hands... I saw the most beautiful thing in the world and it bought tears to my eyes... I realised that that's the most right decision I made in my entire life and I don't regret leaving everything for you...

'Am sorry for hiding it y/n but am a stripper I hid this from you because I don't want you to feel embarrassed because of my occupation.. I wanted you live a respectful life and wanted to be a great mom but I think I fai-'

'I really respect you mom' you said and your mom eyes widened she looked towards and saw you smiling...

(Smiling like that)

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(Smiling like that) ...


'You did all this so that I can have a great life and went all this trouble because of me am really happy I have a mom like you I can never be embarrassed because of this I can proudly say that you are my mom...thank you so much for doing this for me and always thinking for my best ..i really love you mom'

Her eyes were widened but now tears were rolling down her eyes..

'I love you too honey' you hugged her and she cried in your arms

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

'I love you too honey' you hugged her and she cried in your arms...

'Why are you crying mom... Shouldn't I be the one crying here...' you said while chuckling and caressing her hair...

'No am just really happy that I have a daughter like you'

... Leaving everything behind and overcoming your past is really hard ... She is really a strong lady I wish I was like her...

PROMISES (BAJI KEISUKE X FEM READER) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora