"How are you and Lev?" Cian questions, pulling me out of my trance. I blink, almost completely forgetting Lev and I's conversation, but the moment it comes back to me, I flush, looking away again. The last thing I want to do is bring that up...

"We are fine..."

"He wants you to be with him?" he asks smoothly, having no issue pushing me for private details, even in the most uncomfortable circumstances. His gaze is hot too, tracing all across me as he waits for me to answer him.

I rest against the cold fridge, the bitter cold surface of it drawing some of the heat out of my skin. "Him and I are friends, it's never going to happen."

Cian's fingertips tap rhythmically against the countertop as he nods, a curtain of hair topplying down over his eyes. "Good, that's good."

"Why is that good?" I ask warily, although I'm not sure I want to hear the answer.

He twists around a look about him that makes my heart flutter. It's easy to quash my doubts when he looks at me as though he's feeling what I feel. This overwhelming feeling that has muddled my brain is caused by him alone, but so is the fear of being rejected. I mean, this entire mission is because of what Noah may have done to his previous mate, even if she didn't ultimately choose Cian.

And I want to find Abella alive...Yet I fear that if we do, she will want Cian back as her mate, and I will have no one...I'll be no one.

"He...He doesn't seem like the one for you," Cian responds simply, shrugging his well-muscled shoulders casually.

I turn my gaze toward the kitchen window, watching the way the rain runs down the glass in rivets, distorting the view of the glistening cities lights beyond. "Who does?"

"That's hard to say," he muses quietly.

"Do you think you and I would be good together?" I ask bravely, voice shaking a little. I'm not sure where all this unbridled confidence is coming from. It's likely from the tension building in this room, between us...I can feel it pressing down on me, feeling it seizing my heart, daring me to do something irrational. It's obvious Cian feels it too.

"What exactly are you proposing?" he questions darkly, taking a purposeful step forward. I remain with my back pressed against the fridge, not desiring to go anywhere that is outside of his proximity.

I swallow audibly. "I'm just asking..."

"I'm immortal, and you're mortal," he reminds me, as if he senses I'm in a trance and wants to draw me out of it before I do something I will regret. "I'm also a Sin, and you're not."

"And?" I sound meek, but I know it doesn't matter like he thinks it does. We are mates, which means we are equal, even if it is hard to understand how right now. Were I completely normal, had I no surprise powers, I would be beyond confused as to how we have been matched, but now there is a chance that this really is fate, which means there will be no running from it.

"Yet, I will admit, I am deeply attracted to you, and in all of my long life, I've never felt so connected to someone, even though I feel like I hardly know you," he admits softly.

"I feel that too...That connection, I mean."

"What do you think that means?" He steps closer again, reaching out for me. "Shall we touch?"

Before his fingers have a chance of getting anywhere near my bare skin, I push away from the fridge, standing under the arched frame of the kitchen door. My breath is rushed as I hold my hand out, my chest rising and falling sharply. He looks confused, probably wondering why I'm saying all that while jumping away from him like the thought of him touching me disgusts me.

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