"Chase, I am so sorry I cheated on you in the past. I promise not to do it again, I swear!" She apologized to him while almost on the verge of tears. Chase, knowing Lexi, knew that the apology was fake and pushed her off.

"Ah, get off me, you pin-sized mutt!" He snapped. Lexi did so and allowed Chase to get back on all four. Lexi was shocked at Chase's reaction of reuniting with her again.

"Okay, let's get one thing straight, I may have been a pin-sized mutt back then, but I'm not a pin-sized mutt now." She addressed to him. Chase just scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Pfft. Yeah, right." he said sarcastically.

"I mean it! I've changed! I've went from someone who cheated on his handsome boyfriend to a pup who knows what she actually wants, and I want YOU!" She explained dramatically. Even though Chase was shocked, he still wasn't taking any chances.

"Look, you cheated on me, which is one of the reasons why I don't date anyone anymore. It's also a line you crossed. You cheat on me, you don't get a second chance." He explained to the Australian Shepherd, who obviously wasn't pleased with the determination in his tone.

"You seriously think that? Tell you what, you get back with me, and I'll take you out tonight." she pleaded.

"I can't. I'm stuck here with my teammate." He replied unamused.

"Who's your teammate?"

"Someone who's better than you."

Lexi laughed a little. "I find that very hard to believe."

"Well, you better start believing it 'cause she's doing a better job than you ever did, even though we're not exactly dating at the moment." Just then, Skye walked up to where Chase was and found him talking to a female Australian Shepherd pup. She came to a stop and observed what was happening before walking up towards the commotion.

"Wait," The Australian Shepherd asked, taken aback. "It's a she?"

"Yeah. And like I said, she's dong a better job at taking care of me than you ever did." He said passionately.

"Oh, is that so?" She asked mockingly. "Well, I'd like to meet this teammate of yours."

"Well, now's your chance." A Voice said from behind Chase. Chase turned around to see Skye trotting over to him and Lexi.

"Oh hey, Chase, what do we have here?" Skye asked briskly, gazing at the Australian Shepherd pup.

"It's one of  my ex-girlfriends." He quickly answered. Lexi rolled her eyes at him.

"Chase. I AM your girlfriend." She said sarcastically, trying to embarrass him.

"Oh, really?" Skye asked, eyeing Chase with a low growl only Chase could hear.

Chase chuckled a little before whispering something to her. "Skye, do not believe a word she says, she's nothing but a liar."

"Excuse me, what are you whispering about?" She asked, getting a bit offended.

"Nothing that includes you." Chase replied bluntly.

"Did you say that you wanted to see me?" Skye asked, stepping up to the Australian Shepherd.

"Why, yes I did. And you look nothing like a teammate." She said with a sassy look.

"Excuse me?" Skye asked, a bit offended.

"Yeah. You look more like a slave to me than a teammate. Matter of fact, where did you find her, Chase? A junkyard? 'Cause it looks like you found her in a junkyard." She said, stealing glances at Chase and Skye. Skye was ready to pounce on the Australian Shepherd. Chase, who didn't want a fight to break out, got in between the two pups.

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