Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Awesome," Kate said with a grin at the pair of them. "Oh, Pamela – this is my boyfriend Steve."

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend!" Pamela said; lighting up at the sight of the good looking guy that was standing back a bit; his hands in his pockets. Sam was smoking and looking bored as she didn't like Pamela or Georgia. "Hey, I'm Kate's former roommate."

"Yeah, I've, uh, heard a lot about you," Steve said with his usual charming smile as he gave her a wave. "Hey Georgia."

"Hey," Georgia said briefly to him as she'd never liked Steve. She was he was obnoxious in high school. "Hey Sam."

"Sup," Sam said with a sigh; blowing out smoke as she stood in the parking lot in her tiny white dress that barely hit her thighs. It was really just a white t-shirt that she'd ripped apart and put back together with safety pins, but it still looked beautiful on her.

Sam had met Pamela a few weeks into the school year, and she had instantly not liked that Pamela and Kate had become such good friends. Sam hadn't been out-right rude, but she'd pretty much ignored Pamela when she came to visit Kate. Kate had been embarrassed, but Pamela barely noticed as she'd been so busy with her school work.

"Are you busy tomorrow?" Georgia asked Kate. "I'm going to show Pamela around town, and then we're going to the lake. Do you want to come?"

"Oh, sure. Sounds fun," Kate said; happy for a chance to spend some time with Pamela as she really had missed her roommate. "What time?"

"Around one, I guess."

"Sounds good to me," Kate said.

"You all can come if you want," Georgia said; looking slightly awkward as she just remembered Kate was there with other people.

"I gotta work at the diner, but thanks," Sam said with a brief smile. "Some people have to have jobs to, you know, buy things. We can't all have rich parents that buy us brand new SUVS and pay for our college."

Georgia ignored Sam and kept her attention on Kate.

"Well, I guess we'll see you tomorrow," Georgia said as Sam started towards Steve's car. "I'll call you okay?"

Steve was still working at his Grandpa's office, but he was doing most of his work from home. He worked most afternoons, and Kate would just hang out in his house and enjoy the big TV or the pool. She was surprised by how annoyed he seemed as they drove towards his house as Kate usually slept over these days. 

"Are you okay?" Kate finally asked.

"Why didn't Pamela know about me?" Steve finally said as they drove in the dark.

"What?" Kate was shocked at the question.

"Pamela didn't know I was your boyfriend," Steve said; his blue eyes full of hurt as he glanced at her. "She didn't even know who I was. You didn't tell one of your best friends about me."

"I've barely talked to her since summer started," Kate said; surprised that he was upset. "We just text. I guess I didn't think to tell her."

"Oh," Steve said, but he still looked unsure. "So do you want me to drop you off at the lake tomorrow?"

"Oh, I guess," Kate said; realizing she wouldn't have a ride as she rarely drove the jeep anymore as Steve usually picked her up and took her places now. "If that's okay."

"It's fine," Steve said simply. "I mean, I just think about how I only met your parents because your Mom happened to come outside and find us together."

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