Chapter Twenty-Five

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"You guys are so obnoxious," Sam complained as Steve and Kate walked with their arms wrapped around one another as they went to the movies. 

Kris was supposed to come with them, but he had to work last minute, and now Sam was on her own. She clearly didn't like being the third wheel. Kate secretly enjoyed it as she'd spent years being the third wheel with Sam and her various boyfriends.

"You're just jealous," Steve said with a smirk as they waited in line to buy tickets. He leaned and kissed Kate on the neck. "She secretly wants me."

"Oh, I know," Kate said with a smirk. "She lusted over you all through high school."

"Shut up!" Sam laughed as she swatted Kate on the arm. "That was a secret!"

"Oh, I already told him and showed him the yearbooks where you circled his pictures with hearts," Kate said with a snicker. "We hung out in my room last night, and I showed him everything."

"I don't want to hear about it," Sam said; making a face. "So you guys hung out at Kate's?"

"Yes," Steve said proudly. "I even met her Mom and Dad. Aren't you proud of me?"

Steve had dropped in the night before; leaving his poker night early as he said he'd missed Kate. They were kissing on the front porch when Gloria came flying through the front door and quickly introduced herself to a slightly shocked Steve. He was very polite though, and he talked to Gloria and Owen for a long time as they all sat around the kitchen table while Gloria served them coffee and blueberry muffins. Steve was charming and funny, and he quickly won them over.

"They loved me," Steve said with mock smugness. "I gave it my all."

"You mean you faked it," Sam said with a smirk. "So you didn't tell them about the time you dove into your pool from the third story and broke your leg?"

"No I did not," Steve said with a sigh. "That isn't one of my best stories anyway."

"How about the time you were arrested in France for cocaine?" Sam asked.

"That did not happen!" Steve said as Sam laughed at the shocked look on Kate's face. "She's making it up."

"I did," Sam said with a grin. "That would be a cool story though. I bet French jails are nicer than ours."

"You're weird," Kate said to her best friend.

At least Sam seemed to have a good time – even without Kris. They watched some terrible animated movie, and they passed a joint between the three of them as they sat in the back. Kate wasn't surprised as Steve was an avid pot smoker. She hadn't known that about him until she started hanging around his house. He confessed he sold it when they were in school, but she'd already known that as Sam used to buy from him back in the day.

"I'll corrupt you soon enough," Steve said jokingly. 

"Sam has smoked for over a decade so I'm not exactly new to it," Kate said with a smirk. "I've seen more than you think."

"Hey Kate!" Georgia was coming out of the theater after them, and Kate was shocked to see Pamela hand in hand with her.

"Pamela!" Kate said at the sight of her former roomie. "I didn't know you were in town!"

"I just got here!" Pamela said laughing as Kate rushed to hug her. "I was going to stop by your house sometime, but I guess it really is a small town!"

"I'm so happy to see you," Kate said as she hugged Pamela. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too," Pamela said as she gave Kate a tight squeeze. "I missed Georgia too much to wait until the end of the summer to come see her! I talked my parents into letting me spend the rest of my break here."

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