The Adventures Begin

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Lily and Natasha were enchanted by their dorm room, their eyes gleaming with excitement as they envisioned the adventures they would have together. With sheepish smiles and joyful screams, they celebrated their newfound freedom. Rushing around the room, they excitedly set up their belongings, making the space truly their own.

"Isn't this amazing?" Natasha exclaimed, taking in every detail of the room with a fascinated expression.

"It's the best room ever! No disturbances, complete privacy," Lily replied, clearly delighted."Well, you won't be getting any privacy from me," Natasha teased, knowing they were going to be inseparable.

Suddenly, Natasha's phone rang, and she realized she had forgotten to call home. It was her dad calling, worried about her.

"Dad! I'm in my room," she reassured him.

Her dad reminded her of the promise to call, and Natasha felt a pang of guilt. She quickly explained how hectic the day had been and promised to call more often.

As the night went on, Natasha and Lily bonded over late-night conversations, sharing their life stories and backgrounds with each other.

"Wait, it's 3 AM already? Aren't our classes starting tomorrow morning?!" Lily exclaimed with concern.

"What? Oh no, I completely forgot!" Natasha panicked, pacing around the room.

"What are you doing?" Lily asked, amused.

"Um, I tend to panic walk when I get anxious," Natasha admitted.

"Panic walk?" Lily burst into laughter, finding the habit adorable.

"Why are you laughing?" Natasha gave her a serious look."No, no, it's cute! But let's try to get some sleep now. We can't be late for our classes on the first day," Lily said, trying to stifle her giggles.

"Lily, you should also let your family know you've reached, they must be worried about you" 

The smile from Lily's giggle fades off hearing Natasha's words and she tries brushing it off by making her bed

"Lily?" Natasha concerns

"Uh--yeah, I already texted them that I have reached and you know how I am so well-travelled, my parents know that I will be safe wherever I go" Lily acts cool and casual with a smile

"Miss dreamer, let's talk tomorrow morning, I am going to collapse here and now!" Lily says while laying on her bed trying to end the conversation about her family

Even though Lily played it cool, Natasha did realise that something wasn't right, but she didn't want to overstep by interogating Lily about this

Despite their fatigue, sleep didn't come easily. Thoughts of new faces, challenging courses, and the opportunities that awaited them swirled in their minds. With the hours ticking away, they eventually drifted into slumber, their dreams filled with visions of runways, stylish designs, and the magic of the fashion world.

Natasha's father had always been her guiding light, teaching her about the realities of life. He used to say, "Natty, my dear, the world isn't all roses and flowers. There will be thorns along the way, obstacles you must overcome. But it's how you face those challenges that defines who you become."

She remembered the times he would gently prepare her for the harsher aspects of life, encouraging her to be strong, resilient, and adaptable. He had shared stories of his own struggles, painting a picture of perseverance and determination.

As Natasha reminisced, she could almost hear his comforting voice echo in her mind. "Success isn't just about talent and dreams, my dear. It requires hard work, sacrifice, and the courage to face failure."

Her father's words had never been a deterrent but rather a source of inspiration. He had instilled in her the belief that she could achieve anything if she remained steadfast in her pursuit. And in times of doubt, those teachings acted as a guiding compass, steering her back on track.

She gazed out the window, the city lights dancing like stars in the distance. She knew that amidst the glamour and allure of the fashion world, there were bound to be challenges she had yet to encounter. But with her father's teachings etched in her heart, she felt ready to face whatever lay ahead.

A  story of resilience, strength, and the beauty that could emerge from facing life's thorns.

Indeed, it is a sad reality that not everyone has someone like Natasha's father to motivate and guide them through life's challenges.

Lily's family was a story of heartbreak and resilience. Growing up, she experienced the pain of a broken home—a home where love once thrived but eventually succumbed to the weight of life's trials.

Her parents' love had been a beautiful melody once, but over the years, it faded into a haunting symphony of arguments and bitterness. The fractures in their relationship were too deep to mend, and they eventually decided to go their separate ways.

For Lily, the divorce shattered her world. She was just a young girl trying to understand why the two people she loved the most couldn't be together anymore. Her heart ached for the happy family she once knew, and the absence of her parents' love left a void that seemed impossible to fill.

The custody battles and the emotional turmoil that followed only deepened Lily's wounds. She often found herself torn between two homes, feeling like a piece of herself was missing in both places. It was an emotional rollercoaster that left her feeling lost and confused. 

In the darkest moments of Lily's life, fashion became her savior—a lifeline that kept her afloat amidst the storm. As she delved deeper into her creative world, she found solace in the very fabric of fashion, weaving her emotions and experiences into each stitch.

While Natasha had the privilege of a loving family, Lily sought solace in the chosen family she found in her close-knit circle of friends, particularly in the deep bond she formed with Natasha.

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