Train Rides and Boat Voyages

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There was so much going on at once, Elara thought she'd get a headache from all of the commotions.

Her eyes scanned over the other children. Some were hugging their parents with hopeful smiles on their faces, excited for the upcoming year. Some were uncontrollably sobbing into their parents' arms not wanting to leave their families for so long.

Her mind came back to reality when her mother's cold and boney hands grabbed her and her brother's shoulders. "This is where I leave you two. Now before I go I want to remind you of some very important things you must know before getting on that train."

Her voice was stern and full of warning. "One. Do not, and I mean this, do not disgrace this family. If I find out that either one of you is causing trouble there will be severe consequences. Do you understand me?" Her grip was still firm on their shoulders.

They both nodded being sure not to show any fear. "Yes, mother. We understand." They said at the same time. Walburga kept the same emotionless expression. "Good. Now the last thing I'm going to ask is this. What is the family motto?"

What a stupid question to ask two children who have been hearing that phrase since the day they were born. If anything was engrained into the Black siblings' minds it was the family motto. Something their family took with the utmost seriousness.

They tried not to roll their eyes when speaking. "Toujours Pur." Walburga finally let go of her iron grip. "Right. Now there is a reason we say that and the reason why is because we don't want to taint our pure bloodline, so that means no chatting, no befriending, not so much as a shared glance with any muggle-born children. This goes for half-bloods as well."

Sirius and Elara had grown up hearing about the importance of maintaining blood purity and how muggle-born and half-blood wizards/witches were a disgrace to the wizarding world. Something the two of them couldn't quite seem to understand. Of course, they wouldn't dare question their family's views. The consequences they were threatened with frightened them to the core, but that didn't mean they didn't think about it constantly.

They just nodded along with what their mother had to say, dying to get on the train to escape her. She sent them off telling them to keep up their schoolwork and that they would be returning for the holidays.

A few moments later their mother vanished and the second she did, Sirius had the biggest grin on his face.

"Don't tell me what I think you're going to say." Elara turned to her brother. He tilted his head and his grin only got bigger. "If what you think I'm going to say is that I am about to do the exact opposite of what our dearest mother told us to do then you are in fact correct."

The absolute nerve of this boy. It's like he had a death wish.

He held his suitcase in one hand and grabbed her hand with the other. "Come on! We need to get good seats." A small smile crept on Elara's face as she began to imitate her mother's voice in a mocking tone. "Only the best for the Noble House of Black." And they began to laugh.

They rushed onto the train and pushed their way through the swarm of children until they found what seemed like an empty train cart. Elara opened the sliding door only to find a boy their age with dark, messy hair and round glasses tossing some gold object in the air.

"Oh. I'm sorry I didn't think anyone was in here. Is this cart taken?" Elara asked. The boy looked up at her and adjusted his glasses setting aside the gold object and chuckled. "I never thought I'd be the type to be overlooked, but I guess there is a first time for everything." The boy then extended his hand. "I'm James Potter." She took his hand and shook it. "I'm Elara Black."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2021 ⏰

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