What's lost by one is found by another

Start from the beginning

Miles away in a far and much warmer field where poppies were beginning to sprout from beneath melting patches of snow a winged figure with two flag colours would sit and watch the world go by around them. "What a beautiful day." They'd say as they looked out at the view ahead of them. That said person would be Poland. He loved nature and how freeing it felt to be surrounded by it. Sometimes he would even reminisce on the faint memories he had of his father oh so long ago. Truth be told Poland had seen a lot though out his time in the world as a country and sometimes it was nice to step away from everyone and just be one with nature by himself and let all those responsibilities go for a while.

Well.. he was by himself.

As the country rested his eyes for a moment to listen to the wild birds flying over his head another sound would start catching his attention. A thumping sound, much like that of a rabbit thumping it's legs as it tried to warn others of nearby threats. But as Poland looked around he saw no rabbits at least none close enough to make a sound he could hear. Now Poland was thinking about it was the sound becoming louder? Then something in the field caught Poland's eye. Some type of figure running. Running really,, really fast.. The Polish man stood up and put a hand to his head shielding his eyes from the sun while he tried to get a better look at the creature.

And then. It disappeared from Poland's view.

Poland had picked an elevated side of the field as his place to sit where anything that stood below the hill was cut from his vision. Since he could no longer see the creature Poland thought that maybe it had gone a different direction or maybe that he had been seeing things altogether especially with that thumping seeming to go silent. Maybe it really was a rabbit making those noises after all the Polish man would think as he put his hand down and took some steps back. It was all calm once more. Poland took a deep breath and exhaled as he tried to return to his state of peacefulness.

Then out of nowhere the figure that had been running up the field lunged from behind the hill's blindspot right towards Poland letting out a loud ear piercing scream. He had barely any time at all to react to the creature that was at least 10 feet tall which was at least almost 5 feet taller then he was. It seems Finland was beginning his search for Estonia in the wrong place because now she was here in front of Poland who wasn't expecting this in the slightest. Poland began screaming loudly and his wings unfolded and raised themselves due to his fear reflexes kicking in. Quickly turning to run away from Estonia, Poland would feel something grab his left wing and yank him back before he could even take a step. He barely had time to register what was happening before he felt his feet lift from the ground and Estonia begin to shake him violently back and forth by the wing as if he was merely a toy to a dog.

Pain shot through Poland's wing as they threw him about like a lifeless rag doll in all directions. Poland could feel as the base of his wing was ripped right out of its socket with a loud crunch followed by more crunches and unbearable pain. Being swung into the air once more Poland felt as the creature loosened its grip and sent him flying across the air. He landed with a hard thud and maybe even a few more crunches to follow. It was agony all over and he could barely move his body but the Estonia wasn't done with him yet. Even though he was in unbearable pain Poland tried his best to attempt a get away by crawling. Estonia stormed back over to Poland stopping him in his tracks as she grabbed his mangled mess left wing and held him down. Poland's heart beat rapidly with panic almost as if he already knew what she was about to do.

And with that Estonia tore out Poland's left wing splattering blood all over the grass and over Poland who was now beginning to bleed out from where his now missing limb was meant to be. He heard the thud of his left wing being dropped on the ground behind him. All was silent apart from Poland's shaken breathing has he struggled to stay conscious. A shadow moved over Poland as Estonia stepped over him and bent down close right to the country's face practically breathing on them. The shaking country closed his eyes in fear of getting hurt by Estonia once more. Estonia backed away from Poland seemingly satisfied with what she had done.

Then she continued on her way. The direction she walked in went unseen to Poland who couldn't move due to how much pain he was in and how weak he was now becoming. All he could hear was the sound of the thudding getting more quiet as she got further away.

Struggling to move his arm Poland reached into his pocket and took out his phone then slowly brought it up to his head and dropped it on the ground beside him. He was so exhausted now he just wanted to give in and let himself pass out but that would be a death wish right now. Poland's hands were shaking too much to dial any numbers on the phone properly but luckily for him a lot of modern technology now used voice recognition. "Call.. Niemcy.." Poland struggled to say. He wanted to call someone who was close enough and could find him before it was too late. The phone recognised Poland's words and began calling Germany. While waiting for Germany to pick up, Poland was beginning to fade in and out of consciousness as he kept up his fight to stay awake despite the blood he was losing.

A chime could be heard as Germany answered on the end of the phone greeting the caller politely. "Hallo!" It took a few moments before Poland could muster the energy to reply to the German. "Niemcy... I need.. Help..." Poland answered breathlessly.

"Poland? Are you alright?" The other said clueless to what had happened to Poland and the condition they were now in. Poland could only hope they would do something if he tried to say more but he was so tired. "Please.. find.. me... Hill..." After that last broken sentence Poland became silent leaving Germany on call.

"Poland? Poland are you there?" The voice of Germany could be heard saying from the phone of the now unconscious country.



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