1- Busted

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 I was walking down the hall with my arms full of files that my boss just had to get to h.r. immediately. Of course he has me do it instead of his assistant. Everything was rush rush for him! But today it wasn't bothering me. 

Yesterday I found out that I was two months pregnant. Last night I told my husband, Franklin, about our baby. We had been trying for three years to have a baby. It finally worked.

I get to the elevators just to see that they are out of order! Again! I head for the stairs. There are only three flights of stairs! I will be getting my exercise today. I start down the first flight. Then to the second. I start down as my phone chimes a message notice. I stop on the stair, settle the files into one arm, and check my phone. It is from Franklin. I open it as I start down another step. It is two photos with a message.

Could you print me a copy of each? For my office. I love you, Sara! Forever!

The first picture is of him and another woman smiling at each other. The second is of the same woman dressed in a skimpy bikini. She is laid back while sunning herself..... at my apartment!

I am instantly pissed off! I forget where I am and what I'm doing. I took a step and felt nothing but air. I scream and throw the files and my phone as I start falling. I have never felt so much pain, as I tumble down, what felt like forever! Hitting each and every step on my way down. I hit my head several times and black out.

I become aware of people around me talking. 

"She's waking up!" I hear someone say from close by my head.

"Ms. Trinity! The ambulance is almost here. Just lay still. We tried calling your husband. I left a message for him." Wendy said. She is an assistant in my office.

"Where is my phone? I need my phone!" Wendy hands me my phone with a cracked screen. I was about to dial Ryland when the paramedics came. I will do it as soon as I can. I need my best friend with me. Ry would never betray me like Franklin did. 

I am loaded up on the gurney and taken away. When we get into the ambulance, I answer all of the questions. "I am eight weeks pregnant!"

"Are you feeling any cramps or discomfort?" He asked me in a kind voice.

"Not right now, but I'm scared. The doctor said that there is a chance that I may have a hard time with my pregnancy. It is genetics." 

"I will let the hospital know. Any thing else that you can think of? Any questions for me?"

"Not that I can think of at the moment."

He gets on the radio with the driver and tells me that we are only thirty seconds away from the e.r. "Thank you for your help. Both of you are awesome!" I tell them as they unload me from the gurney onto the bed. 

As they leave a cramp hits me hard. The nurses are right on me. I tell them about the baby. Over the next few hours I am poked and prodded until I want to scream!  I have tried calling Frank. He never returned a call. I call Ryland and he answers immediately. 

"Ry, I need you!" I cry.

"Hey babe! What's wrong?" He asked. Ry instantly knows that something is wrong.

"I fell down the stairs at work....." I start crying almost hysterically.

"Oh hell! Are you ok? Where are you at, baby?"

"Iiiii'm at tthe hospital, Ry!" I stutter out my answer.

"I'm on my way, baby! I'm getting in the car now!" He talks to me as he drives like a madman through the streets. I hear him cussing and honking his horn at the other drivers.

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