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With that, the 2 of you walk up stairs. Then you and Lashawna leave your house to end up face 1 st in cleavage.

"(Muffled)Hello Cynthia"

CYNTHIA;(Chuckled)Hello to you too (your name)Alright, time to look me in the eyes.

You lift your head up.

"Good morning, sorry about that"

CYNTHIA;It's fine, I know how much you like them.

"I really do"

She then gives you a big hug.

CYNTHIA;So, is my big strong man ready to begin his Pokémon journey?

"I'm ready!"

CYNTHIA;Then let's go.

The 2 of you let go of each other and begin your Pokémon journey with Lashawna right next to you.

Soon, Cynthia leave because she has her own life and talked about it in the image I used in an earlier chapter

Any how, on with the story.

But before she left.

CYNTHIA;Please, just remember that I love you. I believe in you. Stay safe and you can contact me when ever you want.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it. I don't think I could have started this journey with out you"

She then grabs your shoulder and pulls you in and makes out with you.

Soon, it ends.

CYNTHIA;Believe me, you are amazing.

Then she gives you a big hug.

"I love you, see you later"

CYNTHIA;I love you too. See you later.

With that, she leaves.

You walk through the route and see some rustling in the grass up a head.

So naturally, you approach the patch of tall grass and a Bidoof jumps out.

"Lashawna, use tackle"

She did that, direct hit. You throw a Poké-ball.





You walk over to the Poké-ball and pick it up.

It's male.

"I'm gonna call your Rick"

With that, you shrink it and attach it to your belt and continue your Pokémon journey.

Tobe continued

Cynthia x Male adult trainer readerWhere stories live. Discover now