The lovestory of Chris and Street Chapter 16: You're perfect!

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<Chris is now 14,5 weeks pregnant and her belly starts to show. Chris and Street are getting ready for work. Chris is looking in the mirror while getting ready and Street is grabbing some of his stuff when he walks into the bathroom>

Street: Hey baby, are you ready to go?<he's not paying attention to Chris>

Chris: Yeah i'm ready.. hey baby?

Street: Yeah, what's up?

Chris: Look what popped out?

Street:<looks at Chris> OMG is that your baby bump?

Chris: Yeah it is!

Street: OMG it's so perfect!<kisses her belly>

Chris: You're perfect!

Street: I know<winks>

Chris: You're an idiot<laughs>

Street: We got to go!

Chris: Oh yeah.

< They leave for work and they meet up with the team at HQ>

Hicks: Well today we..

Chris: Today we have some news..
< She looks at Hicks and he nods that it is ok to tell the team about the pregnancy>

Tan: What kind of news?

<They all look confused>

Chris: The news is that in a few weeks we'll be getting 2 new team members here at 20 squad.

< The team doesn't understand>

Hondo: Hicks why didn't we know about this?

Street: <smiles> Guys you still don't get it?

Luca: What?

Chris: I'm pregnant you guys!

< They are all in complete shock but happy>

Luca: But how? Euh i know how <they laugh>

Deacon: But wait a minute, you said two? Does this mean you're having twins?

Chris: Yes we do!<smiles>

Street: Hey! I also got a part in this you know.<winks>

Tan: Oh you're the father? <laughs> Just kidding!

Hondo and Deacon: Congrats guys! We are so happy for you guys!

Luca: Street my man, congrats! And Chris come here!< they hug>

Hicks: Ok enough with the party, let's get back to work!

Hondo: Commander Hicks, light up a little ok!

< They all laugh>

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