Forrest x Reader: Love Hurts

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(This chapter was requested by: lionic1987
Topic: Reader x Hurt Forrest Law)

At the Tournament:
(3rd Person:)

Forrest was put in the ring up against the ruthless Bryan Fury. Marshall, Paul and Y/n were in the public watching over the fight that was about to start before them. Marshall was as always, worried about Forrest for he knew that Bryan would be too tough for him. Paul on the other hand cheered on Forrest hoping that he would win. Y/n was both worried but also hopeful.

*ding, ding*

The  round began, and Forrest was at the upper hand landing a good amount of hits on Bryan. The people were cheering for Forrest, until Forrest started thinking about Y/n and got distracted. Bryan saw that as an opportunity and punched his ribs hard. Then Bryan pinned him and hit him more. Marshall, Paul and Y/n watched in horror as they thought Bryan almost killed Forrest.  The announcer ended the fight, as
Forrest got hurt badly.

-Timeskip. -

At the Hospital:
(Y/n POV:)

Me, Paul and Marshall are waiting for news about Forrest. He's so badly hurt and I hope that nothing bad happened to him.  Marshall is crying a lot, can't blame him, he's as worried as me and Paul are.
Paul is of course a bit calmer but still worried.

As we're still in our trains of thought, a nurse approaches.
"Sirs, madam, Forrest would like you to come in the room. He's lucky to only have a broken rib."
As soon as we enter Marshall starts crying again telling Forrest how he's happy that nothing worse has happened. He  calms down  the he and Paul leave me and Forrest in the room.
"Forrest, I was so worried. I'm glad you're not that hurt."
"Don't worry about it Y/n. I'm going to be fine..... ummm... Hey... I need to tell you something..."
"What is it Forrest? Does something hurt? Are you al-"
"Y/n! I said I'm fine. I wanted to ask you if you wanted to be my girlfriend. "
"... Forrest... This isn't the right moment to ask me out.... "
"So that means no?"
"No n-no. I don't mean it like that.  Of course I'll be your girlfriend."

(3rd Person)

*clap, clap*

"Great job Forrest. You finally told her. I knew that you two would make a good couple. Oh shoot, sorry Forrest." said Paul and run away after seeing how mad you got.

"Paul get over here! I'm not done with you!"
And so you ran after him.

(Author: Hey, I hope you liked this chapter and if you want more, you can request. The chapter will have the requesters name and their chosen topics.)

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