Kuramochi Youichi X Reader

Start from the beginning

Kuramochi motions for the straw in your juice box that was already too chewed up

"Maybe...Honestly, though I've finished it already." You shrug it off, before shooting it at a nearby trash can

"And she scores!" You cheer and point at Kuramochi, "Beat that former yank—"

"Shut up!" He kicks you behind softly, You snicker at his panicked expression at the mention of his past

Kuramochi rolls his eyes before chuckling, "Wanna see if they have extra bread in the cafeteria?"

"Of course!" You agree before running ahead of him, "Last one gets to buy the winner free food!" You call out before dashing towards the cafeteria 

"Hey, that's not fair!" He calls out before running after you

"He's going to let her win."

"Of course he is."

"Let's bet, who do you think would break first and confess?"

"That's looking too ahead." Ryousuke points out, "Let's bet on who figures out their feelings first."


"This tastes great!" You grin, cheeks stuffed with bread

"Yeah yeah, whatever," Kuramochi grumbles, yet he smiled softly when he saw your blissful expression

"Is it good?"

"Course it is." You reply, mouth still filled with food, "Want some?" You offer

"No—Fine." He mutters, taking the bread from you and taking a bite

"Mochi, you're really the best—" You stop before taking a bite, "—well not really cause we still have the third years and they're really my favorite—"

"Ow!" You whine when Kuramochi flicks your forehead, "Why do you enjoy inflicting pain on others?" You demand as he laughs

"Your-your face!" He laughs, trying to mimic your puffed cheeks and pained expression

"You better be thankful you have that cute ass smile and laugh or else I would've punched you right in the face," You mutter to yourself

"What?" He asks

"I said you better be thankful for that stupid look or I would've punched you in the face!"

"Hah? What stupid face?"


"I give up, there's no point in denying!" You announce, entering Miyuki's, thankfully, empty room

"Denying what?" Miyuki asks causing you to give him a blank stare, "You knew didn't you?" You frown

"Knew what? When you start liking him? Yeah, I do, the whole team actually!" He grins as you freeze in shock, mouth agape in horror

"Th-then did you te—"

"But we haven't mentioned anything, although me and Ryou-san won the bet." His grin widens

"YOU BET ON US?" You demand

"Yep! Thanks for the money (Last name)~ I always knew you were brighter than Kuramochi~" He laughs

"You-!" You run towards him and start messing up with his hair, "I always knew you were an asshole! But I can't believe you would bet on your friends' love life!"

"Ha? I don't think you have a love life yet (Last name), you haven't even confessed, haven't you~"

"Th-that's beside the point you glasses-wearing idiot!"

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