"Is he still looking to move out here?"

"I don't think... not quite yet, maybe, things are going good for him at the practice."

"Is everything okay between you two?"

"Things are... Richard," she sighed as she started to tear up a little bit, looking up at the ceiling a moment, "I don't think there's much of a future for us."

"Oh, Meredith, do you need to talk about it?"

"No, I just... if he calls, he doesn't know I'm working here," she took a breath, closing her eyes a moment, "He thinks I'm just here for my mom."

"Is there anything I need to know?" Richard frowned slightly.

"No, I needed to get away, that's all. I thought it would be best if he didn't know," she shrugged, her fingers twisting her watch around her wrist.

"Meredith, if you need anything..."

"I know, I appreciate that. Working helps."

"Well then, I'll let you get back to work, just come and see me, anytime, if you need to."

"I will, Richard, thanks."

She got up out of her chair and left his office, heading towards her own office, her hands shaking slightly. She could've told him. She could've just told him everything.

She sat in her desk chair, lowering her head down on her arms on the desk in front of her. She was tired, exhausted. Physically and emotionally. She didn't know what she was supposed to do. Maybe she should just call Jordan.

She dug into her bag, pulling out her old phone and turning it on, fidgeting with the phone in her hand as she waited for it to turn on. She didn't know what she was doing. She didn't know what to do. Derek hated her, she had no one else to turn to. The phone buzzed in her hand as a series of messages came through. She didn't want to look but she knew she probably should.

Just as she was about to open the messages, her pager went off with a 911 to the pit. Saved by the bell. She slid the phone into the pocket of her lab coat as she got up, leaving the office to head down to the ER. Her stomach still felt twisty, and she just hoped if she got stuck into work, she could clear her brain and just focus on work, surely that would stop the twisting in her stomach.

"Dr Grey, over here!"

She looked up as she entered the ER, spotting her resident calling her over to the patient she was assessing. She took a deep breath before heading over, grabbing a pair of gloves and pulling them on.

"What have we got?" she asked, pulling out her pen light to start assessing the patient.

"Jane Doe, estimated to be in her 30s, blunt force trauma to the left side of her head," the resident reported, "suspected fracture to her forearm along with suspected internal injuries."

"Okay, we need to get her down to CT, do we know if she's been conscious at all?"

"No, she was found unconscious and hasn't regained consciousness since."

"Okay, we need to get her to CT now, stay with her and page me when you get the scans," she told the resident, who she really couldn't think of the name of right now.

Her eyes looked over the patient, finding herself biting her lip as she took in all the injuries that she could see. She has no idea what had happened to this woman, but something about it made her feel uneasy. She quickly turned away, trying to shake off the feeling as she caught the elevator just before the doors closed.

"Oh," she gasped softly, realising Derek was also on the elevator, and she spoke in a soft whisper with a slight nod, "Dr Shepherd."

"Dr Grey," he nodded back, not meeting her eyes.

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