Chapter 3

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A far throw as an infant hit, Twice and Kurogiri turned back to its normal form "Help, help, help!.. Shigaraki is gonna kill us when he finds out what happened." Twice panic but "You mean, if he finds out." Kurogiri explained when Twice
told him "of course he's gonna f....If. If is good." Smiled from both but with All Might, he, led all the gods and goddess on a frantic search to find the child but there was no luck as they search high and low.

Unfortunately, none of the god or goddess looked for the child as they have to report it to All Might and Inko. Inko wept because her son is gone, All Might still have to do his godly duty and thinking that maybe that Midoryia can come and pray to him but none of them are him.


But as time fly by, Midoryia grow up but still have his god strengths power as he ran faster "Izuku, wait... slow down" Grand Torino said but Midoryia didn't listen as he keep running then the men working gasp "OI WATCH IT KID!!"

Midoryia apologise to them "JUST WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING!!" But as Midoryia, grand Torino made their destination, people moved out of the way as Midoryia stopped.

"Thanks, son. When old Penelope twisted her ankle back there, I thought we were done for." The goat was gasping as Midoryia said to him "No problem, Pop." He lifted the huge hay bail "uh, don't-don't-don't unload just yet. First, I have to finagle with Phideas." Grand Torino said as Midoryia understands and drop it back. Poor Penelope, she flew off and Midoryia apologise.

"Now, Izuku, this time, please just..." Penelope landed in Midoryia's arm and Midoryia knows what pop is going to say "I know. I know. Stay by the cart." Grand Torino smiled at head ruffle the kid "that's my boy." And walk out.

Midoryia has no idea then he heard a grunt, a guy holding a huge pot "Oh, my goodness. Whoa!" Midoryia came in and told him "careful!" Demetrius Shudders a little bit "Ara, thank you." But what he didn't notice that Midoryia was the help him as he pop out to say no problem to him but Demetrius stuttered.

"Why, Izuku! I...It's you!" He gasp as Midoryia requested "here let me, let me help you with that." But Demetruis moved aside and rejected his request "no, no, no, no. I got it! I'm fine. You just run along." He sweated as Midoryia asked him "are you sure?"

Demetrius replied with an 'Oh, yes. Absolutely.' Moving him out of his way. Then a throwing disk landed on his foot "oi! Give it here!" A person called out as they look and gasp it's Midoryia.

"Hey, you need an extra guy?" He asked them but two of his friend shove the guy to him as he tried a way to let him down easily "hey uh, sorry, Izuku. Uh, we already got five, and we want to keep it an even number." He fake a smile while Midoryia process "wait a second. Five isn't an even..."
The guy cut him out by retreating his disk back and ran off "See ya, Izuku"

"What a geek!"

"Destructo Boy. Maybe we should call him 'jerkzuku(?).' Laughing was pulled at the plaza then "Oi! Heads up!" A boy cried as Midoryia leap in to grabbed it but "no wait! Stop!"

When he caugh the disk, Midoryia hits a pillar, which starts falling "Uh-oh.. Oh no!.. It's okay.." He holds the pillar he has hit, but others start falling one by one, like domino. He sees that and throws the pillar he was holding away, but it hits another standing pillar and another domino wave starts going around the square.

Many of the square people ran away from getting hurt and the one that was about to get hurt is Demetrius because he's the centre of the pillar square.

"Ara no! Oh no! Don't! Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!" The last two pillars stop above the man's head, he felt safe as a sigh escape while being relaxed, but Midoryia, who was running to save him, but slip on an oil floor that causes him to slips and slides to him fast

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