stay (Mikasa x Annie onshot)

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I watched as the ball was being passed around, kicked in my direction. With very little movement, i managed to get the ball through everyone's legs, and into a goal. The ball rolled to a stop in the middle of the goal, earning my team a point.

"Ha i see you Mikasa." Hitch smacked my left shoulder, smiling widely. I didn't return it, and instead shrugged her hand off of me.

"Guess i got lucky." I mumbled, returning to my previous position. Everyone was now focused on getting the ball, as i stood their not wanting to be lumped into the mess.

I stood still, arms swaying slightly. I wasn't actually interested in this downgrade of a game we have called soccer. It's just that my friend Hitch and Christa had dragged me into this.

"Pass it to me!" Eren waved his arms around, gesturing to himself. I sighed, turning away from the game. This was rather tedious.

My gaze drifted off, as i noticed and caught glimpses of others kids, ones that were not apart of this group. The group doesn't mind anyone who joins to play, though the group is tighter than a rubber band ball so joining now would be wasteful. Unfortunately i had no choice but to join as my brother Eren introduced me to his friends. So energetic. So not me.

I sighed, letting my head droop a little. I had a clear view of the ground, every crack and flaw in full display. The ground had my shadow, which i ignored.

Instead i noticed something, something out of boredom and close observation.

I watched as ants grouped up, picking at a piece of someone's lunch. All huddled together, except for two. The two were distanced, not by that much. A hands distance you could say.

One of the ants was closer to the giant group, the other was even turned away from the group. I stared at the ants, til my eyes began to hurt from the straining. I looked up, straight up in front of me.

I was met with an intense stare coming from a blonde haired girl. She had pale skin, cold eyes. She sat against the wall, curled up and slumping.

As soon as our eyes met, she looked away, tucking her chin into her knees a bit. Just then, a harsh wind blew into my face, and caused both of us to have messy hair.

"One second guys." I whispered, but nobody had actually listened to me, too caught up in their game to actually care about me. I sauntered away, quietly.

As my feet moved across the ground, my heart sped up a bit. I was such a curious girl. Erens mom, or well my mom, says it'll lead me to get further. However my 'dad' says that curiosity is a great thing but it should be kept back. Right now, i can't seem to decide on which is the answer.

I was nearing the girl, in fact i was just a few steps away from being able to sit right in front of her. But instead, my body stilled and i just looked down at her. She looked up at me, her gaze being dark.

"What do you want?" She mumbled, furrowing her brows. I was at a loss for words, trying to figure out a response for the lonely girl.

"Why are you here by yourself?"

She sighed, sinking into herself even more.

"I don't need anyone. So just.. go." She replied, eager to get me out of her face. I frowned a bit but wiped away the look with a blank expression.

"I'm Mikasa."

The black haired girl in front of me was persistent. I liked that.

Another cold wind had pressed against my face, and i could feel myself shiver. I had totally forgotten my hoodie today.

Mikasa still stood in front of me, and i assume she wanted to hear my name as well. However, i remained silent staring her dead in the eye. She was unfazed by my behavior, and instead, took a seat beside me.

"What's your name?" She sounded curious, but i didn't let my guard down for a minute. If anything, this might be an evil scheme to use against me.

"Annie." My eyes widened as to what i had blurted out just now. i wanted to put a hand over my mouth but i held back, instead my ears burning from embarrassment.

"Nice to meet you, Annie." She said simply, turned in my direction. I avoided her gaze, embarrassed enough as is.

"So why are you here alone?" She repeated the question, raising a brow. I hummed in annoyance, trying to think up a reasonable answer.

"Because i don't like people."

Mikasa nodded, almost as if she were to agree. She looked away from me for a minute, quickly returning her dark colored eyes.

"Do you want to play soccer with us?" She asked, her tone offering up. I shook my head though, wanting to enjoy my peace here alone.

"Why not?" I sighed, she was forcing me to talk.

"Because.. i just don't want to." I could hear my own voice, i sounded ridiculous.

There was a long pause from her question and my lame answers. The silence wasn't suffocating but it wasn't anything that would last. I enjoyed the lack of words between us, letting out warm air into the freezing one. White puffy air released from my lungs.

From the corner of my eye i could see Mikasa unwrapping a red scarf from her neck. It was tightly wrapped around her, so she took her time loosening.

"You aren't cold?" I regretted ending our silence but she didn't say a word, nor did she answer me in any way.

Silently, the scarf drooped down in her hand. She gently straightened it out, slighting scooting a bit in front of me.

"Huh?" was the only sound released from my mouth, as she began to gently wrap her scarf around my neck.

"What are you doing?" I gasped, weirded out by her actions.

"You looked cold." I rolled my eyes at her, leaning back a bit.

"It doesn't mat-"

"It matters to me." She said, her voice all delightful. She reached out for my hands, letting my hands lay atop of hers. We both let our bodies rest like this.

"You didn't have to do this.. i was all alone here you know." I felt warmth spread across my face as i thought about it. Mikasa spent her time hanging with a loner like me, instead of with her many friends.

"I didn't have to. I wanted to." She hummed, tightening her grip on my hands. I didn't attempt to get away, instead we sat still.

"Do you have any hobbies?" Her question caught me off guard but i regained my composure.

"I can uh.. well.. fight." I said hesitantly, but i worried over nothing as she nodded.

"I can fight too." Her tone was soft, she was relating to me.

"We should spar some time." The words escaped my mouth the second time, and embarrassed myself once again. I looked down, biting my cheek.

"Yeah, i'd love that." Her words lit a fire in my chest, a wildfire. I could feel excitement course through my veins along with satisfaction. My lips twitched upwards just a little bit at the thought of us hanging by each other just a tad bit longer.

"Come on.. let's play with the others. The teams are uneven without you." She said, standing up. I looked up at her dark eyes, feeling all tenseness cease.

"Fine." For some odd reason, this time i was fully able to accept her offer.
I took her hand again, letting her pull me up. I stumbled a bit but she managed to steady me.

"Let's go."

Yeehaw this sucks, bye. i wanted something short and it's what you got. Bye bye.

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