Start from the beginning

What am I gonna do? What will I wear? I can't exactly go in a pair of jeans and hoodie....I would love to but it would seem like I haven't put in any effort. Oh god.

Ok Ok, calm down....what do I usually do in these type of situation?

Nothing, seeing that this is the first time I'm facing a situation like this!!

Kill me already.

What do I do? What do I we-

That's when a brilliant idea hit my head.


I quickly ran to the washroom to do my morning routine then ran out and fished for my phone lying on the bed next to the note.

I picked them up and read it again to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I grinned again and looked up and sighed in satisfaction when my eyes fell on my faint reflection on the glass wall in our room, the glow in my face and the happiness in my eyes filled my insides with hope that I can heal and piece back my broken and shattered parts.

I shook my head before I ruin my mood drifting to the past and reliving the memories that I'm miserably trying to bury deep in me.

I smile again when I gaze on the note that I'm clutching tightly to my chest and soon all the things I want to forget were forgotten temporarily as I video called Kajol.

"If this call is not important, consider yourself dea-" she started to threaten but I cut her off by the end since I couldn't control it anymore.

"Arjun's taking me on a date today!" I grinned looking into the camera.


Please tell me she didn't fall asleep.

"He what?" she asked calmly as her shocked to life face came into view.

I bit my lower lip to stop myself from bursting out laughing at her facial expression which looks ten times more funnier due to her hair flying in every direction.

She looked adorable right now.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT! YOUR FIRST OFFICIAL DATE!!!" she yelled on top of her lungs and I pity the old couple that live next to her.

"Stop yell-" she cut me off with her yelling.

"FORGET THAT, YOUR GOING ON A DATE!!! So now babe, you owe me 500 bucks." she stated and went into the washroom and set her phone in such a way that I could see her standing.

"And for what might that be?" I asked settling on the couch as I frowned looking at the washroom which looks completely different than hers.

Kajol's voice interrupted my thoughts "Oh my little one forgot about the bet we made, allow me to enlighten you-" she pointed to herself while I arched my brow urging her to elaborate when she disappeared out of view but still spoke "-you told me I would be the first one to get asked out on a date but I refused and you made a bet saying whoever gets asked on a date first pays 500 to the other." she finished and came into the view as I heard the flush in the background.

Dammit! I completely forgot about it.

"So you, babe-" she pointed at me with a smirk "-owe me 500 bucks." she said and started brushing.

I rolled my eyes at her and muttered whatever.

"Do not roll your eyes at me young lady." she narrowed her eyes to slits and said in a muffled voice due to the toothbrush in her mouth, as she pointed at me with a finger and her other hand rested on her hip.

"Yeah yeah, now the reason I called, I have nothing to wear." I said in a low voice while she stopped mid way rinsing her mouth clean.

She held a finger asking me to wait while I sighed silently bracing myself for the endless teasing and smirks coming my way.

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