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To all my siblings, thank you for the experience of a lifetime. Each of you gifted me a unique perspective that would later help guide me in various aspects of life. I want to thank all of you for offering your home and food while I was homeless. I love each of you, uniquely.

For my father, thank you for taking on the role that was never yours to take. I will always remember everything you did for me and the rest of the sibs, love you.

For my mother, thank you for all your dedicated loving sacrifices, the lessons in discipline and tough love which I greatly benefited from. I love you forever!

To my beautiful children, your resilience, talents, and creativity are the purposeful, and magical sparks to my life. To explain my love for you would be like trying to explain infinity. "Della, Posy, and Duffel" each of you have taught me how to be a better human, I just wish I could have been much more to all of you in return.

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