“Well, then, My Lady, I defer to your expertise. Which would you have me wear? I rather fancy the peacock blue and gold costume, myself, since it matches yours so well and since I favor that shade anyway. But if you would prefer some other outfit….”

“No, not at all—I was hoping you’d choose that one. I’ll have a servant help you dress, and he can make any adjustments needed to the size as well as make some accommodation for your tail. Dylas, what about you?”

He snorted as he examined the brightly colored clothing. “Unlike Mr. Fancypants there, I don’t care for bright colors. I don’t suppose you have anything… well, darker?”

“I think there was something. Both of you, come with me.”

She led us upstairs and back to a good-sized room that seemed to have nothing but wardrobes, a few chairs, a stool, a small table, and a large mirror in it. She lay the costume I’d selected over the back of one chair, and opening a wardrobe, she replaced the other clothing in it. She flipped through the contents of that wardrobe, then went to another. After a few moments, she exclaimed and pulled out some black clothing. Dylas acquiesced with a slight shrug, and she told us to wait there.

A moment later, an older man knocked and entered the room. He bowed, and offered his services. I saw that he carried a pouch at his belt, and as soon as we accepted, he opened it and whipped out a tiny pair of scissors, a thimble, a needle, and a wooden spool of thread.

In no time at all, he had our old clothing off, the new clothing on, and was snipping and stitching, modifying the clothing to fit us better and to fit our tails. Fortunately, the pants were loose and baggy, which made it easier to fit them to our height. The sleeves were a little problematic, especially for Dylas, but all in all, the clothing fit us surprisingly well by the time he finished.

My coat was of the same blue as Avani’s outfit, and embroidered with gold thread around the cuffs and the neckline and placket. Small gold emblems were embroidered across the remainder of the coat at regular intervals, and the baggy pants were of a pale gold cloth. Dylas’s, though, was the really remarkable outfit. The coat was made of a fabric woven with a black-on-black design, with a little silver embroidery to highlight the design across the chest and at the collar. The buttons down the front were made of carven ebony. The loose-fitting pants were of a solid, shiny black cloth, and while I was given simple gold cloth slippers to wear with my costume, his were black and heavily embroidered with silver thread.

When we rejoined the ladies, Avani opened her eyes wide and gave a squeal of delight, clapping her hands like an overjoyed child. “You both look wonderful!” she exclaimed, circling first me and then Dylas. “Don’t they, Chanda?”

Chanda stared at Dylas for a moment until he began to squirm uncomfortably, then to my surprise, she blushed furiously and looked away. She mumbled, “I guess they’ll do,” then hurried out the door.

Stepping out, I saw that several lengths of heavy, colorful fabric had been spread out along the center of the green. Upon these, several dishes of food had been placed, as well as jugs of assorted beverages. Places were set with plates, cups, forks, and spoons along either side and at each end. Villagers were arriving, and each family brought at least one large bowl or platter of food to share, placing it with the others before choosing seats on the grass for themselves. In addition, servants came and went from Rishi’s house, bearing still more food and drink. Rishi and Sharmila had already taken their places in the center of one side of the cloths, and it was there that Chanda and Avani headed.

Avani sat next to her brother, and I sat at her side. Chanda indicated that Dylas should sit next to Sharmila, but when she started to walk away, he grabbed her hand. “Hey, where are you going?” he asked, scowling with puzzlement.

The Winds of the Past [Rune Factory 4]Where stories live. Discover now