the nightmare transforms into a dream .[Tenma Tsukasa x reader]

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the stars spanned the whole night sky .

they were beautiful .

under their light .

could you seem normal too ?


a shooting star !

make a wish quickly !

you wished a simple wish .

if the wish could be granted .

you only longed for a friend .

someone to give you solace from the world's hatred .

to give you solace from the world's torment .

to give you solace from the world's torture .

life would be easier .

wouldn't it ?

it would .

living would be a wonderful thing .

you'd like to believe such .

but .

'twas a lie .

you knew your wish was stupid .

you are a demon .

you are cursed .

that is a fact of your life you had come to accept .

nobody out there could love such a disgusting being .

not even your own parents .

they made that abundantly obvious .

when you were ten , five years ago , they left you in the streets .

ever since .

you were lonely .

left to wander the streets like a ghost .

you were a ghost .

nothing more .

nothing less .

[project sekai -x reader- oneshots]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang