he had died .[Kamishiro Rui x reader]

Comenzar desde el principio

zero fucking clue .

they all stare at you .

Miku's smiling .

Kaito's confused .

Meiko looks like a proud mum . 

wait she always looks like that .

the pink haired girl was staring with a wide smile .

the blonde boy was angry ??

the green haired girl was watching intently .

the purple haired boy seemed amused .

you grin , jumping up happily , arms wide , you take a courtesy .

"I'm (L/N) (Y/N)  !it's a splendid day to be here! I'm happy to meet you all ! "

you straighten your back , grinning , winking , sticking your tongue out slightly .

Miku was the first to react , launching herself at you .

" (N/N) !! I missed you !!! "

you giggle .

" missed you too meeks . your crushing me . "

she climbs off .

" your just in time (Y/N) , we were all discussing the next song plans . "

Meiko was of course expecting you to work .

right after what was essentially a rebirth .

" introductions first maybe ? I don't know these people hehe~ "

alright .

after introductions , you knew names .

the pink haired girl was Ootori Emu .

blonde angry boy was Tenma Tsukasa .

green haired girl was Kusanagi Nene .

and the most interesting to you , was the purple haired male , known as Kamishiro Rui .

why was he interesting ?

because he was apparently working on bodies for the others so they could be in the physical world .

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