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Chapter 1 | what..?!



Me and tione had been hanging out for a while when we started making our way towards the basketball court. Someone took the rims off the one closer to our houses so we would have to go to the one across town. After a while of walking we made it and since there was no one else there we started a game of one on one.

Tione was winning for a while and eventually we started talking about the guy he was talking to " aye, where taurus been" i asked

Tione made a shot as he began to answer " not sure, he just went off somewhere before we started hanging out" he said

I took the ball from him and started making my way down the court with him not far behind me, i made a basket and the ball went alot farther then i expected so i decided to just leave it there for a second " dang" i said

Tione shrugged " its ight, he said he'd be back" he said in a nonchalant tone

I glanced over at him for a second " you trust him?" I asked

Tione smiled slightly " with my life, now go get the ball dummy" he said

I laughed before going to go find the ball once I found it I walked back and we started the game again. Just as I made my fourteenth basket i heard a all to familiar voice.

"hey artist!" Yelled a bitter voice, i glanced towards the road and there was justin rivera walking towards us

Tione was the first to react knowing if we could we would argue for hours " fuck off" he said

Justin ignored him and kept walking towards me " I see you still got this nigga fighting yo battles" he said with a grin

Almost imeadly things i could reply with filled my head, it was easy to tell justin was wanting me to say something back but this time an idea came instead.

A small smile grew on my lips " you know.. Your hair looks nice like that" i said

His face fell as he stared at me not saying anything " what..?!" He asked confused looking from me to tione who looked more or less concerned and then back to me

I wanted to laugh but instead i only continued to smile " i said your hair looks nice, makes it easier to see your eyes too never noticed how shiney they were" i said really just starting to make things up

Justins face grew red, i wasnt sure if it was from embarrassment, confusion, or anger but either way it was a priceless sight " yeah... So what?" He asked annoyed

I shrugged slightly before turning to tione " come on t" i said before starting to walk away with tione close behind me leaving a angry looking justin standing alone

I didn't bother glancing back at the park and once we were away from the basketball court tione turned to me confused " what the hell was that" he asked

I started to laugh " i don't know, it just came out but did you see his face it was priceless" i said

Tione smiled " first time Ive ever seen rivera shut up, i just hope you know what your doing" he said as we continued to walk

I was tired of arguing with him but he just wouldnt let it go, so now that i had a way to get a reaction out of him no way was i gonna waste it.


Confusing.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat