The return of Bad Blood

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Bad Blood's P.O.V.

To those who know me, I'm Bad Blood. To those who claim to know me, I'm Marinette. So let me tell you my story.

My name is Bad Blood and my friends call me Baddie. I'm the daughter of the Joker and Harley Quinn and I'm a villain just like them just toned down a bit and I'm madder than a hatter. I was born with a gift most don't have, I'm able to control blood. When I was four I met Batsy.


I was walking around Gotham when the dark knight himself stood in front of me.

Bruce: Why are you out here alone at this time?

Baddie: Oh it's just you Bruce.

Bruce: What do you mean? I'm not-

Baddie: I hack into the justice league computer when I'm bored and your blood is the same as Bruce's.

Bruce: What?

Baddie: I was born with the power to control and sense blood and I'm more capable than a girl my age should. I know sixteen languages and I'm learning two more. By the way, I'm Bad Blood but you can call me Baddie

Bruce: Who are your parents?

Baddie: The best villains in Gotham!

Bruce: You're Harley and Joker's daughter aren't you?

Baddie: Yep. So don't make me mad 'cause crazy runs in the family.

I started hanging out at the manor a lot and after a very... interesting meeting with Damian, we started dating six months later.

One day I came home to see my parents crying. The system was taking me away from them and I had been adopted in Paris. After tearful goodbyes and a kiss from Damian, I left with a promise to keep in touch.

The Dupain-Chengs made me change everything about myself and become a pink, bubbly and clumsy girl called Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

I made friends with almost everyone and everyone thought I had a crush on Adrien Agreste so I just played along. I also got my miraculous and Tikki knew all about my past life and even when I keep denying it she says I'm a descendant of the first Lady Luck and also said the first Lady Luck could control blood as well.

Everything was going fine till Lie-la came. Since I was a threat because I have more than one brain cell she took all my friends except surprisingly Chloe. We became best friends and she knows everything about me. I gave her back her miraculous and she became Empress Bee after she re-designed her costume and since Chat was abusing his miraculous only showing up to battles to flirt with me and saying he wouldn't fight unless I go out with him, we took his miraculous and weren't surprised to see it was 'Mr. Highroad'. One year later we defeated Hawkmoth and we let him go after I healed his wife because his heart was in the right place.

Flashback end

I wake up and get out of the pool of blood I always sleep in, cover up my cuts, sneak out of the house, and head to school. When I get there I see Chloe at the entrance waiting for me.

Baddie: Hey Chloe.

Chloe: Hey. I heard there's going to be an announcement.

Baddie: I wonder what it's going to be.

We walk to our seats in the back with a few people trying to trip us while we either jump over them or stomp on their feet. As soon as we get seated Ms. Bustier and Ms. Mendeleiv come in looking happier than usual.

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