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A/N: we finally made it to part 4 baby! no more putting oscar through the wringer, here's the happy ending he deserves💗💗

Word count: 3075

Warnings: mild physical aggression, brief mention of smut

Everyone sat in the waiting room anxiously waiting for any news about Oscar's condition. It had been hours and you knew next to nothing. All the information you knew came for your brother.

"We had to make a run this morning. After the way we fought last night, I didn't want to be any where near Oscar, but business always comes first," Rob sighed as he tried to find a comfortable position in the crappy waiting room chair with little to no cushion left in it.

"We pulled up to the red light, and these guys from 19th street ran up on us out of no where. Oscar saw them before I did. He threw himself in front of me like a human fucking shield even after everything that happened." Rob still couldn't believe what Oscar did for him. He felt like shit for ever questioning his loyalty.

"What happened last night? You guys never put hands on each other like this." You sighed, stroking his bruised face. Rob looked away shamefully.
"I...I think I sabotaged his relationship."

You raised your eyebrows at him and waited for him to explain himself.
"Don't look at me like that! If I would have known he was seeing someone, I would have never tried to set him up with Letty. I caused all kind of drama between him and his girl and he didn't even hit."

"So he didn't sleep with Letty?" You asked to make sure you weren't just hearing what you wanted to hear.
"No, he didn't."

You beat yourself up all afternoon about not believing Oscar. You were so mad at yourself for believing Letty over the man who never lied to you as long as you've known him.

You needed Oscar to pull through so you could apologize for being so stupid.

Sad Eyes walked back from the nurses station with an even longer face than the one he wore when he went up to it. "What'd she say?" You eagerly asked as you ran up to him.

"She's not saying much of anything. I don't know what her problem is." He sighed. Out of all the Santos, he has the kindest face face and demeanor. Even he couldn't get more than a few words out of her about Oscar's condition.

"Let me try." You suggested as you walked to the desk. She watched you approach then turned her attention back to whatever it was she was doing, completely ignoring you.

"Excuse me," You said in the nicest voice you could muster up. The nurse sighed as if you talking her her was a major inconvenience.

"How can I help you?" She mumbled, still not looking at you. You leaned forward to see she wasn't doing anything hospital related, she was on her phone scrolling through Twitter.
"My friend was taken in earlier with two bullet wounds. I just wanted to know if there was an update. We haven't heard a thing." You explained.
She sighed, again, louder this time.
"Are you asking about Oscar Diaz?"

She asked, tilting her head to the side.
"Yes! Yes," You nodded your head vigorously, "How is he?"

"Ask you friend who was up here just a few seconds ago what I said because nothing changed between then and now."

"Lauren!" The girl next to her whispered, just as shocked at her attitude as you were.

"What?! I'm sick and tired of these low lives coming in here with their street beef and filling up our emergency room when there's good people who deserve our help!"

She stood up and leaned over the counter leaving less than an inch between your faces. "If you want an update, you can wait to talk to the Doctor after he gets out of surgery. If he makes it out of surgery."

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