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I can't resist a good "in love with my brother's best friend" cliche 😅 skskskskskj. I plan on making this a 3 part series bc it would be waaaay too long if I put everything I have planned into one post.

Warnings: very mild smut, a lil angsty chile

Word count: 2152

The summer heat was relentless, even in the evening. You brought your cherry slushee to your lips in an attempt to cool off as you sat watching the pick basketball game your brother and his friends were playing. It was a classic game of shirts versus skins, and lucky for you, your favorite Santo was team skins.

You bit down on your straw as you admired him from a far. His skin was extra tan after being in the sun for so long. Every time he moved his muscles seemed to flex. Everything he did was so effortless from the way he dribbled the ball between his legs to how graceful his form was when he took a shot.

Oscar bounced the ball a few times before faking out Sad Eyes and going for a shot. It was headed straight for the net until your brother jumped up and blocked it. "Get that shit out of here!" He taunted, running over to get in Oscar's face just to gloat.

He and Oscar started hurling insults back and forth, but neither of them were serious no matter how heated their exchange appeared to be. They were best friends who argued, and acted, just like brothers.

That's why keeping your relationship with Oscar under wraps was so important. Both of you were risking losing the relationship you had with your brother by being together.

"When you and Oscar have a kid, I'm gonna be the godmother, right?" Rhea, the girlfriend of one of the Santos and your close friend asked, flicking your ear. Her question immediately made your already hot face heat up.

"Nothing is going on between me and Oscar." If you a dollar for every time you told that lie, you'd be Brentwood rich.

"Babe, you can do a lot of things, but lie is not one of them."

You sighed and turned to face her. "Is it that obvious?" You whispered.
"Painfully. I don't see how your brother hasn't caught on yet, literally everyone knows."

"I want to tell him, I just don't know how." You confided in her. Of course you wanted to tell your brother, but every time you tried, you talked yourself out of it, fearing you'd lose him. He always made two things crystal clear: you were off limits to his friends, and his friends were off limits to you. There's always an exception to the rules, and for you, Oscar was that exception.

"Let's role play. I'll be your fine ass brother, and you be you." Rhea stood up and held one hand over the over with a deep frown on her face, trying her best to emulate your brother's facial expression.

"I cannot take you seriously right now, but I'll go along with it." You laughed as you stood up. "Okay, here we go. Rob, I need to talk to you about something."

"What's up, (YN)." She responded in a voice so deep you were shocked it came from her, she was too good at this.

"I've been seeing Oscar." Even though you were talking to Rhea and not your brother, you still felt a knot in your stomach.

"I been seeing him too, I saw that fool earlier today at my house eating up all my food." Rhea chuckled.

"Really, Rhea?" You asked, questioning why you expected her to take this seriously.

"Sorry, I got too into character. Tell me again." She said as herself.

"I've been seeing Oscar."

Rhea just looked at you and blinked a few times before she started walking in circles and yelling.

"Where's that bald motherfucker? I'ma beat his fucking ass!" She said with her entire chest as she waved her hands around. By then, everyone was looking at her.

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