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{ Daenerys }


"𝕱ar be it for me to possibly express doubt." Daenerys opened one violet eye lazily, her gaze landing on Coren. The taller warrior was wandering over, his hands behind his back as he shot her a soft grin. "Is sitting here with the dragons wise as we are about to leave?"

"I thought something else was about to come out of your mouth."

"Like what?" Coren drew closer, ignoring Drogon's half snap towards him. Viserion and Rhaegal were flying around above them, growling and tussling over a carcass. Falkor made his appearance, the ground shaking slightly as he approached Coren, chirruping to say hello to the man.

"Like is it wise to be around the dragons when you are pregnant?" Daenerys huffed, shaking her head as she scratched the top of the dragon's head. Drogon was being careful with her, not daring to get to close to her stomach or nuzzle against it too hard. Viserion had done that when she had only just started to show, and now had a thick scar on his neck where Falkor had dragged him off.

"Ah, I take it Jorah has been around." Coren grew closer as Drogon sat up and tried to snap at him. Coren shoved the dragon's nose away before he could get too close, sitting down beside her as Drogon's growls grew louder before the obsidian dragon looked away with a snap, putting his back to the pair.

Daenerys rolled her eyes at her dragon's over dramatics.

"Yes. Complaining as he often does." Daenerys sighed, pushing her white hair behind her as she twisted to look at Coren. "He is still annoyed about the whole situation."

"I got that bit. He has not spoken to me in months." Their plans to leave Essos had been a little delayed once Daenerys revealed her pregnancy. Plausible cover up stories had to be thought up, contingency plans had to be drawn into place, the other advisors had to be told and thus plans to continue their move to Mereen had to be thoroughly thought through.

Daenerys had wished to go a month or so after they had liberated Essos, though that idea had quickly been shot down. As much as Jorah and Ser Barristan were both beyond angry at her and Coren for their actions, Daenerys was the Queen and she was carrying her heir. Every precaution had to be taken to ensure that the heir was born alive and healthy, especially after last time.

Thus, they had remained in Essos for months longer than they had planned, until it was clear that Daenerys was with child and it was clear that the child was settled and alive. Coren's thoughts that it was better for them to take over Mereen earlier, whilst Daenerys had not been visibly pregnant and so that she had a chance to settle in Mereen before the birth had been shot down, and Coren had been removed from being her guard. That, and never publicly claiming the child as his, were his punishments for the situation.

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