“Hoseok,” he exclaimed as they shared a tight and firm embrace.

“Where have you been?” Hoseok asked, still hugging the older tightly. “I have been here all by myself for days,”

“In Milano,” Seokjin answered as he ruffled the younger’s rough hair from all the sun shining on top of their head and damaging their hair.

“What took you so long in Milano?”

“Nothing… then I got to the Roma.” Seokjin stated, envying the clean skin of the younger soldier while he was sweaty, dirty and dusty for who knows how many days.

“And what was in Roma that kept you?”

“Nothing,” Seokjin smiled. He patted a hand to Hoseok’s shoulder. “Nothing important.”

“Oh, was it a woman? Was she very beautiful?”

“Not a woman.”

“A man, then. Tell me everything. Did you fall in love?”

“Not a man either.”

“Then, truly,” Hoseok inquired, “nothing?”

“I am not you,” Seokjin said without hesitation. “Not every beauty from human races make me stop on my way and take my time for themselves.”

With barking laughter that echoed greatly,Hoseok pounded a fist to Seokjin’s chest. “You've just returned and already you want to fight! Haven't you had enough fighting in the war?”

It was amazing to see Hoseok again, amazing to meet him after all they fought. As they were fighters, they were hopeful too but always, always there was a fear of never seeing each ther again, the fear of never seeing the loved ones again. A devastating fear that was pushed aside in their minds because war is not a place to give your thoughts to emotions and lingering feelings. You have to fight. And just that only.

So seeing Hoseok was lovely. For a period of time knowing they were safe and sound… and together. It was a wave of security washing over Seokjin’s heart and he inhaled deeply again, pleased that the air did not have any smell of blood.

“You have missed me,” Hoseok whispered with a dazzling smile, making Seokjin look at him fondly.

“I need to shower… i look not so suitable for this place and nor as a companion for you,”

“Then, go, shower. And tonight,  we'll go out.” He grabbed Seokjin by the shoulders and pulled

him close so that the bridge of his nose pressed into the flesh of Seokjin’s cheek. “We will go

for a drink and have a nice time like we did before the summer. Do you remember?”

“I remember,” it was a pleasant memory.

“You don't want to go?” Hoseok asked with a smile.

Seokjin shoves the other away by his hand on the small of Hoseok’s waist, “is this only why we came to Napoli? To have drinks? Is that what we are here for?”

“We are here for a rest! Drinking is a way of relaxing isn't it?” Hoseok laughed along with the older and the laughter they shared was so lovely after such a longtime. Such a damn long time that made Seokjin’s heart ache. He couldn't deny or reject. He wanted to rest. He wanted company and he wanted a decent meal for he had not eaten anything fulfilling after Roma. 

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