"Er... Now that we're all here..." Fred said awkwardly, looking at the ceiling awkwardly. "We'll have the usual positions today so Aria, you'll be greeting our customers and I really want you to push our newest products as well when they-,"

"I'm sorry to interrupt, Mr Weasley, but I think that I should greet customers today," Verity said sweetly, batting her eyelashes. George's eyes narrowed with resentment while Kiara raised her eyebrows, wondering what her plan was.

"Well, we've already decided that Aria is going to greet customers today," George answered impatiently, glowering at Verity. He couldn't believe the audacity and nerve of their employee, to try and argue with her bosses to achieve her secret vendetta of winning Fred's heart.

"I understand that Mr Weasley, but Aria doesn't know the stock of our shelves since she's only been working with us a few days," Verity explained, glancing in Fred's direction hopefully. "Therefore, I think that she should work in the backroom today so she can make herself more aware and I can cover the door."

George opened his mouth to argue but Kiara cut across him, feeling sick to the stomach as she realised what Verity was trying to achieve. "That's a good idea, Verity."

"It is?" Fred said disappointedly, disheartened that he wasn't able to spend extra time with Kiara and protect her if necessary, even though he couldn't flirt with her. Personally, Kiara knew the shelves and stock better than Verity, since she invented half of it and had her own section. But in actuality, Aria didn't know much considering she had supposedly worked there for three days.

"Yes," Kiara nodded unhappily. "I don't know our products as well as I should and if I want to work 'ere, zen I must improve my knowledge."

"But, Aria..." George protested quietly.

"Amazing!" Verity said loudly, drowning out George's objections. "I'll give you a quick tour before we open!" Quickly, she shoved Kiara's back lightly towards the backroom. Kiara smiled sadly at Fred and George who looked unsure before she ducked behind the curtain, entering a much darker and dimmer room. The mood and extravagance in this room was much more dismal than on the other side of the curtain. Aisles lined the room with products plainly and professionally packaged, alphabetically arranged. Kiara had to admit, Verity deserved credit for organising the backroom in such a proficient manner.

"Alright, so all our excess stock is here," Verity gestured to the aisles, speaking in a bored tone, completely different to her falsely sweet tone from before. "Mr and Mr Weasley write down any low stock after each shift from the day before so your responsibility is to re-package and magic them to their rightful spots. Once you've done that, you can go through this shelf with the latest inventions, new stock and broken products and test all of them individually. If they're faulty, you write them down in this book so that Mr and Mr Weasley can fix them. If they work fine, you just need to put them back on their stock shelf in here." Verity roughly handed Kiara a clipboard and a notebook. "Easy enough for you to understand?"

"I think so," Kiara answered, smiling falsely.

"Good so you won't need to bug me with any silly issues," Verity snapped, folding her arms impatiently. "I'll be too busy doing your job and being better at it. And this way, I get to spend some extra time with Fred."

"Well, if I get stuck, I can ask Fred and George," Kiara smiled through her teeth, trying not to smack the blonde across the face for attempting to steal her boyfriend. Verity glared at her.

"Treat your bosses with some respect, Aria. You should refer to them as Mr and Mr Weasley, like I do," Verity confronted irritably.

"Why? Zey don't even want us to call zem zat," Kiara seethed, feeling her temper starting to rise but she was trying to maintain her French accent convincingly. "Fred always zells you off."

Kiara Cartier (Fred Weasley Love Series)Where stories live. Discover now