#8: Death & Family

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A/n: Trigger Warning~> Death, Blood, Violence, and disgrace/shame.


It was raining when Bright dropped Win off at the university making Win's fear of being the center of attention disappear.

"When will you be done?", Bright asked.

"Today I got fewer classes so I'll be done earlier by an hour or two.", Win replied.

"Oh. I won't be done by that time though.", Bright pointed with a frown.

"It's okay. I have a plan with Ann anyway."

"What plan?", Bright raised a skeptical eyebrow.

"It's just the arcade. She loves it and I like it too."

"Oh okay. Be careful please."

"Yeah obviously, I'll be late. See you at home.", Win dashed to his classroom with that.

As soon as Win was done with his lectures he went to the location near the Auditorium where he and Ann usually meet. The rain was a mere drizzle now and he waited for her in peace. That peace was soon destroyed when Ann arrived in a rush.

"Woah Woah Woah! You're already late, it wouldn't matter if you walk like normal people and be a little later but be safe.", Win commented.

"I'm sorry but I can't go."

"Oh, Why?"

"I got a date."


"I know. I know. But can we discuss the details later? He's there waiting for me.", she pointed towards the Porsche at the end of the footpath.

"You're going on a date with Lee Thanat?!"

"Yes. Honestly, he seems like the sweetest person! Plus point is that maybe be he'll take care of me as Bright does to you.", she pointed and winked.

"I would've said I'm happy for you that you finally got someone after seven years but you had to tease me to bring up your point.", Win sassed.

Ann joined her hands, apologizing to Win for canceling their plan before running off to Lee's Car.

It was raining heavily and with nothing better to do, Win decided to head back home. The weather was worsening every moment bringing some kind of feeling to Win which he didn't find good at all.

Win walked inside his house to see Father sitting on the living room couch intoxicated with several empty whiskey bottles in front of him on the table. His state seems worse than any drunken person Win ever got to see.

Now Win need to walk past him to get to the stairs and go to his room which seemed like the most threatening task to him. Father's eyes were on him as he took each and every step.

Mother walked next to Win and whispered in his ear.

"Please stay away from him today."

"What happened though?", Win asked curiously.

"He lost a very important deal today and the CEO of the other company insulted him a lot. That is what I've heard from the managers.", Win nodded knowing the reason very well now.

Father's dark eyes full of tears and intoxication, peeped inside Win's fear.

With a sharp strike of Lightning and following thunder, the lights went off as the room lit up with purple spark. The sudden action made Win flinch causing the vase kept next to the couch Father sat on to fall and shatter into pieces!

As if in the blink of an eye, Win was on the floor as Father stood over him. He yelled at the top of his lungs while Win opened his eyes to find Mother lying away from him as Father pushed her off too.

Win turned his head to find his arm crash through the glass table pricking pieces in his whole arm. No amount of blood made matter as the eight-foot-tall man stand before him with all the anger flowing from his expression.

"Why? Why are you like this? You're my son! That blood is mine! What a pussy your mother was to give birth to a baby like you, who acts more like a little girl than a man!", Father threw harsh words at Win's face like daggers.

The mention of his birth mother changed the adrenaline pattern and made him mad instead of scared.

"At least, she had the gut to accept her own child no matter what he was or how he was! You're just hiding your weakness behind my name! You're a stereotypical bastard who can't change even when he knows he's wrong! I bet you lost a lot of deals due to the reason you lost one today." Win spit the words at Father's face.

He had no idea where he got the strength and how he spoke all that but the satisfaction indeed bought a smirk on his face. Even if he died at this moment, he wouldn't regret it.

"Why did I do to deserve this?", Father said shaking his head.

The strong pain of a hard fist hit Win's face as Father thrashed him into the leftover frame of the table. Win hit his forehead as the warm liquid poured out on his face. He spits the blood he tasted on the rug below him.

He laughed and said, "This is all you can do. Kill me."

Win kept the stung in his voice that he felt inside his mouth in his words. This was all that Father needed to decide to kill him right there.

Win closed his eyes waiting for the pain and only opened his eyes when he heard the loud gunshot. He opened his eyes to darkness as fits of light spark through the room by the thunder.

Father was on the floor, his head in a pool of blood with a wound on his right temple. Involuntary, Win turned his head towards right to find Bright standing there, holding the gun tight in his hands. So tight that his knuckles were turning pale, he had absolutely nothing to read on his face.

Bright walked close to his Father's corpse throwing the handgun next to him as Win recognized it to be the guns guards carry at the mansion. As if everything was paused for the moment, three of them, Mother and the two sons gazed at their Father's dead body in the pool of blood for heaven knows how long.

Mother spoke breaking the silence.

"I knew this would happen. It was as if I saw this scene every day in my dream...", she mumbled.

"We all knew it already. It was just to decide who'd do it and turns out it was me.", Bright said chuckling darkly.

As all of them start to come to their senses Win asked, "What are we gonna do?"

As if nothing worried any of them, all that was to be done and discussed seemed way out of panic.

"Fake it. Make it a suicide.", Mother replied with tears running down her face.

Bright started to carry him and Mother helped him placing him in the office. Win took the gun with him. They all cleaned the fingerprints off the gun and put the gun in Father's hand.

All of the work seemed pointless. It seemed empty to all of them. As if they were doing everything without thinking. Bright went on the delete the footage of him borrowing the gun from the guard and Mother wrote a suicide letter on Father's desktop.

Three of them cleaned all the blood and removed everything broken before being ready. Eyes red and body tired, Bright called the cops.


A/n: Guys keep in mind that when things happen out of a sudden then people are not able to process it. It's not like they all were robots, it's just out of expectation, and everyone grief at their own pace.

Teaser: Bright not listening to a word of Win, kept on getting aggressive, muffling his pleads with a kiss.

Random Question: What do you guys think about killing all the people who cause problems to solve the problem? Is it right or wrong? Or one should work on changing people instead? (The way Thanos from Avenger killed half the population.)

[No one will judge anyone in this question or their opinions and if you don't have a good way to explain your argument then please just don't.]

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