#1: Picnics & Garlic Breadsticks

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A/N: Tell me at what time and from where (your country) you started reading this story?


It was a bad day to daydream.

Win can't stop himself from zoning out every now and then on this Saturday morning family picnic of their family. Win barely saw his family as his. He just sees them as strangers who take care of him.

"Win. Where are you lost?", Father scolded Win.

"Oh nothing", he replied with a low voice.

"We're about to play a hide and seek game, join us. Please try to use your brain and pick a good hiding spot.", Father mused at Win.

Win nodded in frustration like always.

'Is it anyone's age here to play hide & seek game?', he thought to himself.

They all played rock, paper, scissors round and Father was the one to seek.

Win saw his stepmother run into the woods beside the park to hide while his stepbrother Bright went into the bushes.

Win followed Bright to the bushes and crouched down to hide. He lifted his head to see Bright peeking out to see if Father's coming here.

When he was sure that Father went to the woods he looked at Win and gave him a small smile.

Win noticed some mango jam stuck on the corner of Bright's lips. He reached out to clean it but Bright flinched.

"What are you trying to do?", Bright whispered.

"Uh. There's something on your lips.", Win told.

"Oh. Where?", Bright asked while trying to clean his face.

Win raised his hand to clean it but they heard footsteps. Bright got a hold of Win's waist and pulled him behind a big bush at their side. They both saw as Father's large steps walked beside them.

They both held back their breaths. Win could feel Bright's rock-hard chest pressed again his back as a strong arm snaked around his waist kept him from moving.

Bright's breathes were warm on Win's neck. Win gulped involuntarily and put some force on Bright's arm to leave him but a firm squeeze from him was enough for Win to know that Bright's not gonna move.

The situation seemed horrible for Win. Every time he thinks he has gotten over his stupid, unusual feelings for his stepbrother Bright, something happens which causes them to hit Win back like a lightning!

How could Win process anything with his hormones dancing inside him making him crazy? He felt every single breath and heartbeat of Bright till the time Father found us from behind.

Something tells Win that Bright also wasn't focused as not knowing that Father would come from behind doesn't look like something Bright would've managed.

They all walk back to their picnic spot in the large garden field.

It's always been like this. Bright and Win never got along well in six years of their parents marrying each other but there is something between them that connects them.

They may or may not have known about it but they both feel it at certain points being around each other.

It's been more than ten years now that Bright's Mother and Win's Father married each other but both 12-year-olds found it hard to get along with each other since the beginning.

Since then, until now they're 22 and don't find themselves close to each other with brotherly affection.

Father has always loved Bright more than his own son. He wanted Bright to own his business after him while he hated the feminine behavior of his own son.

Mother always felt guilty for Win and has been attached to both children similarly.

The school was the only escape for Win from the gloomy feeling he always gets at home but it's the weekend again, and he needs to stay at home. Another devastating fact for Win was Father being home for both days too.

Win barely remembered eating anything in the park while the family was in the car to go back home.


It's time for dinner and Win pushes himself from bed. He changed into some puff denim and a white shirt with some doodles on it. Since Bright and Win's rooms are across each other in the corridor, they stood in front of each other. Holding eye contact with Bright was not easy, his sharp confident eyes pierced inside Win.

Win shifted his gaze to the floor while fidgeting. He looked back to see that Bright's gaze has dropped down from Win's eyes to his chest. Win looked at himself to find his shirt unbuttoned from the top exposing his chest.

Win ran his hands up to button the shirt as he moved downstairs. He was still able to feel Bright's gaze on him. Win took a seat at one of the stools next to the island counter in the kitchen. Bright pulled a stool next to him.

Mother and Father were nowhere to be seen till the time they walked downstairs dressed in fancy clothes. Father walked up to the boys while cuffing his sleeves.

"Your mother and I need to attend an event this afternoon. Would you guys be able to manage dinner for yourself?", Father asked more with a look at Bright than Win.

Bright nodded as both of the parents left the house.

Bright turned his stool towards Win and raised his eyebrows playfully. Win felt hot under his gaze.

"So what'll you like?", Bright asked taking out his phone.

"Um...Anything will work. You pick."

"You barely ate anything in the morning. I'll order whatever you'd like now? Tell me", Bright said.

"Um...I want Garlic Breadsticks.", Win said hesitantly.

"Garlic breadsticks it is! Will a pizza work with it?", Bright asked while the order on his phone.

"Yeah, it'll be great."

Bright gave him a smile. Win felt odd. Bright's behavior was unusually involving with Win today.


Teaser: "You know you can ask for help, right?", Bright asked caging between his arms.

Random Question: Since when do you know about Bright Win or 2gether the series.?

Step Brothers [BrightWin fanfic]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora